Club 600

Ok so I tried it on bud now its time to bust out the skillet....It was very powerful and I am seriously fuckered up!!

P6240019 (2).jpg

@BC my phone keeps cutting out, it drives me nuts!

Heres the 2, 1TBSP of each per gallon of planting medium. Could pretty much get you through a whole grow with only water! As a matter of fact Im going to pick one plant and not give it anything but water just for giggles!
Heres the 2, 1TBSP of each per gallon of planting medium. Could pretty much get you through a whole grow with only water!


I've been thinking about grabbing these! Am starting actively aerated compost tea...aiming to be able to care for plants with only tea and organic soil.
Heres the 2, 1TBSP of each per gallon of planting medium. Could pretty much get you through a whole grow with only water! As a matter of fact Im going to pick one plant and not give it anything but water just for giggles!

supchaka - what do you use for planting medium? any other additives? no offense, but I find it hard to believe that Miracle Grow products are good for marijuana. i mean, im a noob, but i just thought there was better stuff out there. Thanks.
supchaka - what do you use for planting medium? any other additives? no offense, but I find it hard to believe that Miracle Grow products are good for marijuana. i mean, im a noob, but i just thought there was better stuff out there. Thanks.
I use a 50/50 of happy frog and perlite. I've also used cheap Walmart soil in place of the happy frog. Those plants are over a month old with nothing else added yet.
Damn I wish I was there!!! Looks good jig, how long are you going to let the ISO evaporate for? I went a full 24 hours, I think thats too much time.
supchaka - what do you use for planting medium? any other additives? no offense, but I find it hard to believe that Miracle Grow products are good for marijuana. i mean, im a noob, but i just thought there was better stuff out there. Thanks.

Their single ingrediant products are as good as any on the's their blends that can cause problems.

whats this iso??? i have lots of trims and popcorn buds! i want to make it! can any one help?
Its real easy but very messy! Then again this was my 1st time doing ISO. You can "You Tube" videos or just Google it. Thats what I did. Just understand you need a lot to get a little.


91% Isopropyl Alcohol (from grocery store) $2 a bottle.
Trim/ buds/ whatever
Mason Jar or 2 liter bottle
Filter (bubble bag or coffee filter)
Glass container thing (something to have it evaporate in)

I think grinding up the product is good first, put it in the jar, or two liter with the bottom cut out. If jar, pour alcohol in, enough to cover product, shake for as long as you like. I just swirled it for like 10 seconds. Some shake vigorously for up to 60 seconds. No longer. If using 2 liter with bottom cut out put filter over small part so trim doesnt fall through and pour the alcohol over the stuff.

Let the alcohol go through the filter into the pyrex and let it evaporate. That's it.

Does that make sense?
Sorry fam. I'm going to let it evaporate for maybe 2 hours. It's on my cable box in a little space with my ps3 running too... so it's warm. Should speed things up. For once I'm jealous of the radiators the peeps on the other side of the atlantic have.
Its real easy but very messy! Then again this was my 1st time doing ISO. You can "You Tube" videos or just Google it. Thats what I did. Just understand you need a lot to get a little.



Ill have to find a better way to doit next time. It was stuck to my pyrex tray and was a bitch to get off!!
I do it like Jig and use the mason jar with coffee filter. If it was hard to get off the pyrex you might have just let evaporate a little too long before scraping.