Club 600

Jig i have some info that contradicts your theory involving low humidity and increased resin ;)

My humidity down here is always high, nights run 90 % RH with temps in the low 50's.

Now if your theory was correct my resin production should be decreased. However I seem to notice the exact opposite, my buds seem to be frostier than ever!!

BTW here is a Cougar clone I took off my best Pheno Cougar, I have just pollinated her with some lovely Magic Monkey Pollen :)

Even the callofduty wiki is down for the day. Wikipedia has a nice tool that if you enter your zip code it gives you links to email your senators or representatives.

EDIT: Cool colors farmer.
Happy bday Duchie!!! I'll smoke a few in your honor ;-)

Iv been smoking nothing but joints for almost 2 months now only because I dont have a pipe on hand.

humidity~~~ in mid-late flowering I like to drop it in fear of bud rot and pm. I am also under the impression that it increases trich production to protect the plant from drying out too much~ I also like to add some uvb into the mix ;-). In veg and early flower Iv always kept it around 50-60%.

Fantastic pron everyone! tip top those buds look tip top hehe.

I just picked up my supplies for a green house. It will be 10x21 and 7 feet tall in the middle (hoop house). 90% of it will be for veggies, and the other 10% I havent figured out yet *wink wink ;-)

Good day folks Im off to do some stuff and will be back later this evening. :peace:
Did your bulbs make a rattle noise? i js got mine and i wont have my reflecor for a while....and mines making a rattle sound when the bulb is moved. idk if im being paranoid or js to blazed lol

Iv noticed that on every hid hps bulb, your good... Now stop shaking it! lol
I thought Vic high was the original breeder of romulan

JDB purchased romulan seeds from Vancouver Seeds over 10 years ago and noticed there were two distinct phenos, one short and bushy and one tall, sativa like. He concentrated on the short, bushy, sticky version and was up to about a f-3's when they were sent to some 600 members. They are f-5's or better and fairly stable now.
There was a breeding of the sativa variety that was bred with a satoria that had beautiful sativa structure and is currently being tested.

The way I see the humidity thing is that resin is the plants defense mechanism... if there is a TON of light or way low humidity the plant will make more resin to protect it's leaves and other bits. I can't say this is true, but it's what I think.

I've dealt with PM enough to want to attract humidity. I like it as far away as possible.

Also, not dealing with humidity... I think Silica is a great thing to use for our plants. I suggest you try some out. I think it's partly responsible for the fat stems and mostly healthy plants I have. I know some of you pride yourselves in only using 2 bottles for your whole grow. Well... you guys can try it and keep it a secret. I highly recommend it. It's supposed to help protect against disease and pests as well. It's not an elixir additive that claims to grow better, bigger buds faster. It's something to give the plant to make it stronger... and that has to be good.

EDIT: 99% of the time I smoke out of my bubbler. I just love bubblers.

I think you are right with the trichomes as a preservative, and I also heard they produce more in a desperate attempt to catch any pollen around..

Happy B-day Duchie!!
Who knows Bill, perhaps the male plant gives off a smell that we cannot detect but the female plant thing I can say, if you put a plant with nanners in a room with females in flower, the nanners sure do open up quick, not sure if that's just my imagination. Put a load of males together and none of them want to fire off very quickly, lol.
in that vid that got posted a few pages back,he said the females go into sex withdrawl,and put out more resin to catch pollen.
could hold true.