Club 600


Well-Known Member
Really nice cof. Love how your girls finish. I think that that is just indicative of ripeness when talking about many plants. Even around here, tobacco leaves aren't picked until they are starting to yellow, as well as soy bean fields. These wont be harvested until almost every leaf has yellowed and died off and the pod is brown.

By the way, I have 2 Heri X Extrema standing at attention right now. Curious where this will go.

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
Mites are an ongoing problem. I am unable to eliminate them so I just have to live with them.
She is an amp-ed up version of DOG in smell and stone.

I just (last Saturday) bred another extrema and DOG with extrema pollen. I'm hoping for a big winner.

Thanks for the comments and likes.


Green Apple

Well-Known Member
Very nice COF, Duchie was right about your finish.... it's beautiful! Pics like that inspire me to let my ladies (57days), keep on living for a few more day's.... I would say one of the most important lessons I'm learning is patience!!!! If you don't like waiting.....then waiting some more, this games not for you.....peace


Well-Known Member
I have also started using a sample product 'Dutch Master's - Liquid Light & Saturator mixed together,.. its supposed to speed up Photosythisis and allow the plant to except more Lumens than normal, promoting vigerous growth.. also you use it to mist the plant/s 4 hrs after LIGHTS TURN ON !!! the Saturator opens the leaves and allows the Liquid Light to seep into the leaves then the Liquid Light does its magic.. I have sprayed it today for the 1st time and have turned on all my CFL side-lights as a test to see if the plant will make extra use of the light its been given :)
Let me tell you from experience... the liquid light and saturator mix is FUCKING AMAZING. I used it a couple times, and couldn't beleive the results. I even used it on some house plants... and they blew up too. Just be careful spraying when lights are on... the water droplets could magnify the light and burn the leaves. Either turn off the light for 5 or 10 minutes... or spray them 5 or 10 before lights on. Just because it works great doesn't mean it can't do bad, lol.

But seriously, I would recommend the stuff to anyone.

Totally unrelated to the LL and Sat... I had PM issues for a couple grows in a row... so I wasn't spraying them with anything extra to try and keep humidity down at all times. After that I kinda just forgot about the two bottles. Next grow I'm definitely using them again. Thanks for the reminder Stealty!!!

EDIT: Jig's been being bad to his plants. I finally checked the pH after the rez change... and from the drops I'm using the pH appeared to be WELL over the 8.0 deliniation. Maybe 8.5, 9? Is that bad, lol. The drops stop labeling after 8 for obvious reasons. It ususally takes me about 3, maybe 5 capfulls of ph down to fix things... this time I had to use something like 30 cap fulls.

They should blow up now that they can actually access their food. Fucking dumbass :dunce::x


Well-Known Member
If it is an amped up version of the dog in smell and stone it must trully be amazing, as the smell of the DOG i am growing once cured is probably the strongest in the whiff department as far as my stash is concerned. I gague the smell on how badly my wife complains when I am skining up, and the DOG wins hands down everytime. N.B to self....Must get some more Extrema's germed

cof, have you ever considered stopping your run for a week and starting fresh. I think perpetual growing makes bug ellimination extremely hard. I am sure if you stopped for a week or two and cleared the mites that in the long run your yields would far by outstrip that time to get thing running. Just a suggestion of course.

Mites are an ongoing problem. I am unable to eliminate them so I just have to live with them.
She is an amp-ed up version of DOG in smell and stone.

I just (last Saturday) bred another extrema and DOG with extrema pollen. I'm hoping for a big winner.

Thanks for the comments and likes.



Well-Known Member
And japan, no?

Holy shit ya'll. I was just getting ready for bed when one of my cats starts freaking wailing on the glass pane door. It was wild, didn't really understand. I guess we turned the motion sensor light off for some reason because the deck didn't get lit up. I figured she was trying to fight with an outdoor cat. Hahaha... not the case. I go over to take a look and see this big brown thing moving around. It was a big brown nose. I go around to turn on the light and WOAH... The bears back. And damn has she (?) been eating. Thing is about twice as big as two years ago. Just wow.

No matter what, if I pin a 600 sticker on a wild bear and get a pic... I'm winning something, lol. (maybe a trip to the hospital)

Can't sleep now... I'm all shook up. Oh... and I think I'm the only one too. The cats don't seem to mind. Even the two we feed outside were just chillin in their normal spots on the deck. Too much.

Night guys (in america) Good day to you on the other side of the pond.
brah, you'd win all sortsa shyt in my book, Jig! lol what a surprise... pooor lil pooh bear. Now, if you can GET THE JOINT IN HIS MOUTH for the picture, you might win. . . lmfao

Kev, yer a doughnut, lol. I told ya if you want to link a post right click on the post number and select, copy shortcut, then paste that into your signature, then people won't have to search through your thread so much........
doughnuts? I'm hungry. oh, here's some oatmeal. :peace:


Well-Known Member
A room full of stoners I tell ya!! Had some good lols this morning hehe thanks.

COF dont give up! none should have to live with those fuckers gosh darnet go ape sh!t on those little mofos for 3 weeks straight none stop,, then its all preventative! untill you start slacking (like I did) then you find a patch on a dead plant in your veg room :shock: Iv been on em since and no sign of movement but am still gonna keep at it for the next week then cut back on treatment.
I also think ist a good idea to mix up your line of attack on those little mofos so they dont build resistance to one thing and you start creating "super mites" curse the name. I'll even alter my environment to make life miserable for them if even just for a little (high humidity low temps and entire bottles of co2 emptied in 12 hrs...
I alternate between azamax, neem, the home remedy mix, and prythium bombs.
I was told by someone I should go into business destroying mites,,, I said no thanks but atleast Id still be working in grow rooms eh?

I was suppose to start chopping 20mins ago! Im firing myself :-( :joint::hump:

Oh yeah jig~~~ that is some crazy shart! Would be awesome if the wild bear was reppin the 6~double~0


Well-Known Member
I've seen some wild ones repping the 6double already, thanks to that riu'er you know who you are!!! I keep going back to watch the end of the vid, lol.

And the AK47 of mite spray, like I said in another thread, when you want to kill every mother fukking mite in the room, BUYER: Spint, made with Tebufenpyrad (for English look for Buyes: Masai) It's not friendly to the environment by any means, but when all else fails.....


Well-Known Member
Let me tell you from experience... the liquid light and saturator mix is FUCKING AMAZING. I used it a couple times, and couldn't beleive the results. I even used it on some house plants... and they blew up too. Just be careful spraying when lights are on... the water droplets could magnify the light and burn the leaves. Either turn off the light for 5 or 10 minutes... or spray them 5 or 10 before lights on. Just because it works great doesn't mean it can't do bad, lol.

But seriously, I would recommend the stuff to anyone.

Totally unrelated to the LL and Sat... I had PM issues for a couple grows in a row... so I wasn't spraying them with anything extra to try and keep humidity down at all times. After that I kinda just forgot about the two bottles. Next grow I'm definitely using them again. Thanks for the reminder Stealty!!!

EDIT: Jig's been being bad to his plants. I finally checked the pH after the rez change... and from the drops I'm using the pH appeared to be WELL over the 8.0 deliniation. Maybe 8.5, 9? Is that bad, lol. The drops stop labeling after 8 for obvious reasons. It ususally takes me about 3, maybe 5 capfulls of ph down to fix things... this time I had to use something like 30 cap fulls.

They should blow up now that they can actually access their food. Fucking dumbass :dunce::x

Ah nice one dude, I'll make sure I pick up 2 bottles next time I visit the Grow-Shop.. How long after you first applied it did you see results? How often did you apply it, daily etc... ?? I will prob apply it an hour before lights turn on, to avoid burn... but the actual site 'Dutch Master's' claim its safe to use during lights on... I wonder if they use a certain type of spray bottle to apply it !?? - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Ah nice one dude, I'll make sure I pick up 2 bottles next time I visit the Grow-Shop.. How long after you first applied it did you see results? How often did you apply it, daily etc... ?? I will prob apply it an hour before lights turn on, to avoid burn... but the actual site 'Dutch Master's' claim its safe to use during lights on... I wonder if they use a certain type of spray bottle to apply it !?? - STELTHY :leaf:
I think I remember them saying it's fine to use lights on ... if you raise your light. I can't move my light anywhere, so that's why lights off. When you have a 1000w a few inches away from leaves, you don't need magnifying glasses. I think I noticed results after about 3 days... just the beginnings. Maybe a week before I really noticed the vegging was off the hook. Just mad leaves and everything looked so healthy and vigorous. Not sure how often I applied. I think either every other day, or every 3rd day. I think 3rd day. Let us know what you think.

I just love my DM line. All I use, except cal-mag and gravity.


Well-Known Member
Happy uitwaaien, lol.

BIG GUST OF WIND AS DST slams the RIUland door....sheesh Gen, yer not wrong, it's wild out there, lol.

I just been on a thread and someone said "Cupping was going around", like it was a disease, hehe. Anyway, the OP had a fan blowing onto his open hooded bulb/lamp which looks as if it was just blowing straight down onto poor little'll be in new post, check it out.

Ok, I am going back out...wish me luck.


Well-Known Member
Finally got what I need for the contest :lol: so look out for that tonight! When all ells fails I go big to get noticed lol you'll see.
Time to trim :-)

Stealthy~ I forgot to comment on your cab, its looking mighty fine indeed :-) Iv heard good things about liquid light and was thinking of picking some up :-) it sounds like saturator is just a wetting agent aka bio degradable dish soap with a fancy price tag... I may be wrong though.
Ok after reading this I think I need to use the bathroom,,,
"Dutch Master Saturator Gold is clinically proven to be the only effective way to harness the incredible power of foliar spraying."

bull crap!