Club 600


Well-Known Member
Damn Whodat Nice. I had a chance to get a Sour D clone but i dont trust most dispensary clones anymore... So if i do get it i will spray it down 2 to 3 times for SM and PM THATS IF lol i might just order some Sour D seeds who has the best besides Rez i dont like the guys attitude or prices.......


Well-Known Member
Whats up all? just thought i'd drop by and introduce myself to what i hope will be my new home for a while..I am Stinkbudd1 and i just today installed my new equipment into my grow space amoire box 3' x 22" x 6' i moved up from a 400 with cfl's to a 600 watter i also installed a new 440 cfm inline fan and carbon filter to the area as well..At the time im finishing up a grow with some Grapefruit x Purpe Kush and a Royal Haze plant. I have already stated my new beans those of which are Cheesebery Haze and Blue diesel 5 beans apiece and all germed and are sprouted as i speak and looking fantastic..So i hope that i'll be welcome to join you all in this fine hobby we all share..

Here are a few before and after pic's of the box..Peace

The first two pic's are of the old set-up and the next 6 are of the new and a couple of pic's of my new baby 600...



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the likes i really do appreciate them it's been a long journey from that first grow under cfl's and the more i do the more help i get the better i become..So thanks...Peace


Well-Known Member
Hey stinkbudd1, welcome to the thread. I stopped by your thread to have a quick look and will definitely get back there. You'll find a few guys growing Sannies here too, including myself. I've got Jack Hammers, Extrema's and a couple of Cheeseberry Haze. Most of them are not much older than yours, only a couple of weeks or so. I'm sure the others will chime in too.

:peace: Duchie


Well-Known Member
Hey stinkbudd1, welcome to the thread. I stopped by your thread to have a quick look and will definitely get back there. You'll find a few guys growing Sannies here too, including myself. I've got Jack Hammers, Extrema's and a couple of Cheeseberry Haze. Most of them are not much older than yours, only a couple of weeks or so. I'm sure the others will chime in too.

:peace: Duchie
Very nice glad to have you check in on an old guy i'll be doing the same with yours tonight there is'nt anything like a good Mine are 5 days old so i'll be on your grow like a starving man on a christmas ham..


Well-Known Member
Hope all you old guys don't mind me shamelessly copy/pasting a long post from my journal... Either way here it is. Oh... these are 4 weeks 1day into 12/12. Thinking they have 7 weeks left to get fat. :leaf::-P:leaf:

So I finally spent a bit of time to take some proper pics. I turned off the 1k and brought out a flouro tube along with a normal incandescent to light things. Used my wifes 8 MP Casio camera. $90 camera takes really good pics. The plants are looking great. There are a few very big fan leaves that are getting some heat stress mixed with wind burn. I've been leaving them be for 3 reasons. 1. I figure they take the brunt of the heat, so as to protect the leaves behind. 2. They are taking the wind head on, again protecting the leaves behind. 3. I think always best to leave big fan leaves as they go with big branches which yield big buds. Do you guys reckon I pull them to expose the other leaves to light and airflow? Or maybe because they aren't helpful in a state like they are? Let me know what's you guys thinks.

Also, sorta bad news but I think I have a plan to tackle it. My first plant in the system. (the Top left one) I'm not sure if it's because it has first crack at the water, or because the water is most oxygenated at the beginning or what.... BUT the damn thing has grown too many roots and damed up the tube. There is water dripping out the hole it is in. For the moment I have a cup catching it (you can see it in one of the pics). What I'm planning is to rig a cup to hang from the tube catch the water and I was going to put a tube from the cup to the rez, so the water can just drain back home. There is absolutely no way of getting at the roots at this time. No freaking way, so I think that will be ok with the cup. Hope others don't follow suite and clog things more. Grrrrr. I waited too long to put them into 12/12. Oh well.

On to the pics....

Bottom Row

Couple shots from above:

Some of the bigger buds:

These two are on the bottom row. Looking nice:


This is a shot of the smallest little plant I almost didn't think would make it... looking good now. (you can see the cup on the left):

Reaching for the stars:



Well-Known Member
Man jig i thought they retired the space shuttle that is a great looking set-up and grow by the way that has to be the sexiest darn cooltube i've ever seen....


Well-Known Member
Welcome stinkbud, Bloodhound Gang, been a while since I have seen that name.

Nice post Jig. I leave my big fan leaves that get wind real reason to take them off unless they are falling off.

Bass, that afgoo still looks like it will produce though!! reminds me of the casey, very vigorous maybe its a Thai afgoo, lol.


Just a quick question for you guys at club 600,will putting a blue mystic into 12/12 from seed affect the overall yeild and quality of the plant,im a bit unsure as ive had conflicting answers on the subject,people say that you get same yeild and quality and others say you get less yeild but same quality,please could you help clarify my question,thanks and peace out....;.)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
imo plants arent designed to be flipped straight into flower tho ive done it and peeps do, you will end up with less than if youd vegged it for 3 weeks, dont think any would argue with that.


Just a quick question for you guys at club 600,will putting a blue mystic into 12/12 from seed affect the overall yeild and quality of the plant,im a bit unsure as ive had conflicting answers on the subject,people say that you get same yeild and quality and others say you get less yeild but same quality,please could you help clarify my question,thanks and peace out....;.)
you'll get the same quality. quality comes down to gene's/nutes/watts/enviro and allowing the plant to flower it's full cycle, not how long u veg it for.


Well-Known Member
imo plants arent designed to be flipped straight into flower tho ive done it and peeps do, you will end up with less than if youd vegged it for 3 weeks, dont think any would argue with that.
you'll get the same quality. quality comes down to gene's/nutes/watts/enviro and allowing the plant to flower it's full cycle, not how long u veg it for.
I would agree with both posts 100%. It's all about your individual situation, what you want to achieve, how you are growing, space, etc, etc.

If it is just 1 plant you are running I would give it some veg time first unless you really don't smoke that much and can handle around 3/4 oz - 1oz over a two month period.


Well-Known Member
Just a quick question for you guys at club 600,will putting a blue mystic into 12/12 from seed affect the overall yeild and quality of the plant,im a bit unsure as ive had conflicting answers on the subject,people say that you get same yeild and quality and others say you get less yeild but same quality,please could you help clarify my question,thanks and peace out....;.)
i do all mine 12-12 from seed but some strains dont like it, quality isnt any different and with the right strain you can pull 2-3 oz dry per plant...


Thanks guys for all your replys,muchass grassy ass,im not to bothered about overall yeild,i was just a bit curios about the quality,i suppose i can say its one thing ive tried and got under my belt,once again thanks and peace out!;.)


Well-Known Member
2-3 oz per plant on sog.....what strain produces that? I reckon if you shoot for an OZ you are doing well...but then I avoid Big Bud, Power Plant and all those other pretendicas!! lol.

i do all mine 12-12 from seed but some strains dont like it, quality isnt any different and with the right strain you can pull 2-3 oz dry per plant...