Amazing pics and updates everyone. Been one busy SOB lately. Things are all coming together nicely over here lol. Nothing to exciting as usuall haha. Just cloning like a mad man. Perfecting my skills as i go. I upgraded my caddi cloner with another dual port air pump and 4 12" airstones. I will update the results.
DST post some more of that trippy music when you get a chance. Diggin it bru.
Fuck im beat tired and of course stoned to the bajesus bone on some trainwreck
Time for bed . Nighty Nite Folks
Heads Up. I believe I shall run C02 when i get the my hydro up and running. I got a sealed room already so im goanna mount my AC unit in the wall and run co2 1500 ppm and no exhaust at all

............. Dank BOMB when i open the door. Note to self piano hinges on door

Peace 1BMM