Hey folks, the 600 was rocking last night. Lovin it!!!
I have taken notice that in all the pics, it seems not a soul is using a light mover.
Is that just an unnecessary expense thing or do they not work that well?
From what I have seen on RIU they are faily pointless....Just another sucker up of ye old Lecky.
ya know,we installed 2 where I work,and took em down after the first grow,as the yield was no different,got rid of em,and put up 2 more 1000 watters to supplement,other than that,I dont bother
Nice place to work by the sounds of it luvvin!
It's quite convenient I haven't smoked yet today... I'll be abe to give you a good description.
<smoking now>
It has a good diesel taste to it. Man... my head is already rushing. There is a slight tingle working it's way from my head down to my feet. There isn't much there in terms of body high.... just a funny, slightly weak feeling. But there is no loss of sense of touch or pain.
The feeling in my head is like a fuzz river rushing from the back to the front. Almost like I'm in water and I stood up to just let my head above the surface, with a current trying to pull me forward. It is starting to feel like there is cotton in my ears now.... or that they are covered in fluffy earmuffs (it is freezing up here).
There isn't much confusion or anything like that... but thinking enough to write this out is a bit 'heavy' for my mind to lift, if that makes sense.
I'm listening to a faster song, which feels fitting. I must say I have a bit of energy now as well. Not jump out of my skin, but definitely no plans of a nap anytime soon.
It's been 8 minutes since I smoked and the river of fuzz has turned more into a slowly moving fur. My head almost tickles. Damn, I'll tell you what, being as present to my high as I am right now is really cool. It's like I'm not taking my high for granted.
My body does now have a bit of a funny feeling now. And my vision is not as focused, especially around the edges/ periphery.
Thanks for asking.
Thanks for tellin Jig, nice description lad. You should be working iwith my wife in advertising...copywriter?
And I had hairs standing up listening to Me and Mrs Jones, what a song, brilliant!! Thanks.
This thread is definately rockin' and rollin' today.
Your input is much needed and appreciated. Thanks for joining in.
Heads Up
The study I did on light movers showed that you could accomplish better results just by rotating your plants...I do 90 degrees...only moving part is me...plus my scotch-irish ancestory has a problem parting with the washingtons.
Your descriptive report is great....I want some!!!
Hey cof, oh sonsie face, great chieftain o the puddin race.... you have just gone up 10 notches in my estimations...Scottish heritage. Nice.
all right i redid the veg box as it was way to hot, so i nailed the top on and made a small door on the side that i can leave open abit so i can have a fan blowein cool fresh air in, just havin probs with hangingthe light in their, heres some pics of the yellow leaves i tries=d to get as good pics as i could woth my phone the camera still didnt come through today, also some shots of the whole plant and stuff some under the hps and not i also tried to capture some of the small buds that are already forming, oh and also my stems seem to be really purple but growth hasnt slowed at all

oh and the pic of the shoes is for dst
Nice shoes, been thinking I need to pick up a new white pair for the impending summer.
nice shoes purple! looks like tattoo flash. etnies are super comfy. i always thought it was due to that plush tongue they use.
anyway. i'm currently running 600w aeroflo 18 with strawberry haze, hash plant and some nirvana indoor mix i had layin about. just flipped to flower a few days ago. last run was white widow. i luv the 600. great bang for the buck!
Good to have you on board umerik. Stick around: show and tell..
looks like 1 leaf. otherwise it all looks really good.
I agree, I think there is a case of the premature worries worts. McPurps, you'll be fine!!
Jig that was awsome.... i get my light tomorrow yay!!!!
Yippee, hooray, Phil's gonna be a regular soon. You putting it straight into effect, Phil?
Nice to see peeps posting music. I like that. Whats a club without Muzac?
N.B to McPurple, the best way to imbed a Youtube song, is to use the following:
[youtube] mpE9VN_jGLg [/youtube] but without spaces
On the Youtube page you have the url, and within the url there is v=(then the video code)
Just use what comes after the v=, it's normally about 10 or 11 characters. Paste it between the two [youtube]'s without any spaces. When you go advanced on your reply, just click Preview, and you will see if it has worked as the YOutube video picture will appear.
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