Club 600

My wife gave notice at her work. Most people on earth would think her crazy for giving it up. I'm stoked for her to branch out on her own. She's going to be her own boss.... And being the boss comes with stress. But at least you don't have someone standing over you.

Good luck with all of it jimmer. It's all pretty exciting.
Your up-coming adventure sounds very interesting and exciting. Sometimes for big rewards you have to take big chances. Not to mention you can handle a lot more stress when you have no one to answer to or blame. And for most people on earth, they just walk around in haze from paycheck to paycheck doing something they don't like just because they need a certain job to pay for all materialistic shiet they want to brag about. Now being able to go to a far away island with the family, now thats something to go for. imo I hope you stay in touch with the 600, I can't imagine the pictures you could post, and want to visit some of the sites through you brother.

And I got called in yesterday as soon as I posted the pic. of the dog I was chopping(main drain backed up). So the dog hung out and stunk my whole house up for the day. I finished when I got home. My dogs love harvest time as much as I do. 003.JPG
Jimmer :clap::clap::clap::clap: Looks great. I would love to puff some of your bud anyday.
Thanks man. I hope some day it'll be legal and we can all share openly. I have too much to lose personally being past the 3 strikes mark with fairies flying. If you are ever around Rochester though, we can most definitely meet for smoke and that goes for any of the 600. There's 2 things the hippies in the finger lakes are good at, growing weed and making wine.
Xmas is going to be a strange affair. I was really looking forward to seeing my family, but only last week my Gran was sectioned under the mental health act!! ffs. My Mum and Uncle had gone round to her house as there was an appointment with a social worker to assess if she needed to go into a care home (she has dementia!) Anyway, took them 1 1/2 hours to get in the front door (Gran didn't know who they were and wouldn't let them in). Then she didn't know who my Uncle and Mum where (only occassionaly as she walked passed my Mum and hit her and called her fat and all sorts of stuff). Fast worward to 7 hours later and the police are there taking my Gran to the Psychiatric hospital. It's really getting me down at the moment. She's not going to get assessed until the New Year so is going to be stuck in that place for Xmas. It's just fukkin bonkers.
cant like a post twice lol. good news enwhysea. Slowly filling my second tent up, well need to pot on a few to do that but its on the todo list today. The babys are fine and snotting well and sleeping okish hahah had a late morning and ten past four today..
Xmas is going to be a strange affair. I was really looking forward to seeing my family, but only last week my Gran was sectioned under the mental health act!! ffs. My Mum and Uncle had gone round to her house as there was an appointment with a social worker to assess if she needed to go into a care home (she has dementia!) Anyway, took them 1 1/2 hours to get in the front door (Gran didn't know who they were and wouldn't let them in). Then she didn't know who my Uncle and Mum where (only occassionaly as she walked passed my Mum and hit her and called her fat and all sorts of stuff). Fast worward to 7 hours later and the police are there taking my Gran to the Psychiatric hospital. It's really getting me down at the moment. She's not going to get assessed until the New Year so is going to be stuck in that place for Xmas. It's just fukkin bonkers.

That's a rough one, for sure.
Must be very scary for her, and hope she's treated well.
My Mum said the staff there are BRILLIANT! she's talked to a few of them and the are all really nice. We were going to bring her home for the day but she announced if we did she would refuse to go back...which would just be more police and abuse all round. She thinks there is a conspiracy theory that has been going on for year and my Mum is behind it all. My Mum moved 150 yard away from her to be closer and spends practically everyday dealing with her, my Mum is gutted about it, but is intelligent enough to realise it's a disease.:( Ok, I'll piss off for a bit and stop bringing down the mood.
D sorry to hear bout ur gran man, maybe take some solice that with dementia its gonna be weird and fucked up where ever she is at leat she'll have professional care in hosy. My gran set fire to her kitchen by putting a plastic kettle on a gas hob to make it boil lol.
Shame d mate. It sounds for the better but never an easy thing. My grandpa lost his thinking like that. Luckily he was a cheery old guy. didn't know anyone but always a smile. Even had a girlfriend in the lock up. They had to take him in because he would wander the streets.

You're lucky to have gran alive to be honest. I'd give a lot to hug mine again.

Still a shitty situation.
@jimmer6577 being a part of the 600 has gotten me this opportunity, so there's no way I would ditch this place. Not sure that I'll be sharing every picture I take, but will definitely be sharing the adventure with my best buds.

My plants are blowing up. Need to be trained something fierce. The soil plants I picked up didn't make the transition to hydro. :(