Club 600

Survived our visitors. Weird with the house so quiet....i think our wee Yin misses his cousins. It was cool to see him playing with the older ones:)

On the green front, had to take my temporary tent out of my grow room (my heaters drainage was blocked so I had a leak in there!!!). And the leak was about 2 feet from where all my ballasts are hung (I was just being para, but we are going away for a few days). Anyway, rngineer dude came out and sorted it in about 2 minutes, then I had to put the tent back in again and get all the plants in from the greenhouse (they were only out in the cold for about an hour!) All is well down Button Ben, apart from the fact I left one of the lights off for a couple fo days, oops, the girls didn't seem to bother, the 1 600 kept them happy. Back to full power now. Alrighty, thats me, catch you all later. DST
It must feel pretty good jimmer. Good work man.
Yea it did until the stress of being the boss kicked in yesterday. 2 of my 4 day people called in and the other 2 have only worked 1 day and can barely speak english.

I'm destressing with my girls today. Here's the plant that a friend gave me the seed from his grandpa and it was labeled DP but he didn't have any more info. Oldman threw out there that it might be a durban poison? She was stretch and ugly but produced some beautiful flowers!004.JPG005.JPG
My wife gave notice at her work. Most people on earth would think her crazy for giving it up. I'm stoked for her to branch out on her own. She's going to be her own boss.... And being the boss comes with stress. But at least you don't have someone standing over you.

Good luck with all of it jimmer. It's all pretty exciting.
My wife gave notice at her work. Most people on earth would think her crazy for giving it up. I'm stoked for her to branch out on her own. She's going to be her own boss.... And being the boss comes with stress. But at least you don't have someone standing over you.

Good luck with all of it jimmer. It's all pretty exciting.
Damn i need to get to typing;)
Best of luck to her and you:-)
@DoobieBrother - Did you fall off of the roof?
@DST - I had a great interview on Friday with a lady from S.A. Love that accent! My daughter made me some German Chocolate cake for my BD. It was my favorite as a kid. But now - OMG - it was so rich and so sweet! I still love Pineapple upside down cake!


@jigfresh - when we started our company back in 1989 it was scary. I was the best move we have ever made! I hope we get to see you before you leave.
@Dr.D81 - what are your temps in your growroom and outside?

The LA Cons outside are starting to smell like cheese! One is starting to purple-up from the cold nights.

@DoobieBrother - Did you fall off of the roof?
@DST - I had a great interview on Friday with a lady from S.A. Love that accent! My daughter made me some German Chocolate cake for my BD. It was my favorite as a kid. But now - OMG - it was so rich and so sweet! I still love Pineapple upside down cake!

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@jigfresh - when we started our company back in 1989 it was scary. I was the best move we have ever made! I hope we get to see you before you leave.
@Dr.D81 - what are your temps in your growroom and outside?

The LA Cons outside are starting to smell like cheese! One is starting to purple-up from the cold nights.


No fall, still alive :-)
Going back up today to do some more work.

And I love pineapple upside down cake!!!
I just smoked 4 hits from my ice water hash(3 week cure). OH MY UNREAL. @Frenchy Cannoli you are the man period. Your style of making hash is so amazing. I am so fing high its not funny. WoW I may never do dry ice again as ice water blows it away big time. I feel like i am almost floating this has taken me forever to type.

90% of my trim,larf is run to ice wax. It's my fave thing to dab. 120 micron and lower is always dabable but sometimes I get lucky and my 160 bag will work. My fave is the full melt!

If you haven't done a fresh frozen run then I would :)