Club 600

Figgy how big are they?

The 6 can penetrate 3ft but a lil less will give you better results.

I'd flip anywhere between 12-16" just depends on how much they stretch. I've had a 10" girl turn out to an almost 3ft girl, sometimes they double, triple and even sometimes quadruple in size but that's usually sativa dom.

If it was me I'd take as many cuts as I could and then give it bout a week or so and flip and maintain 2 weeks into flower. With 40 days veg they should yield pretty well in 5g or you could take cuts and transplant and wait a lil bit but 5g should be big enough. I've grown some monsters in 3G lol.

Sorry I'm chatty just ate me am edible lol.

I'm sure someone else will chime in as well.
Giggles, they 're 10, 11, and 12" now. I just topped at the 6th node about 1.5-2 weeks ago, and those shoots are now about 2" tall pointing straight up. This Fruit Punch I believe is 70% sativa so I'm expecting a decent stretch.

I won't be doing any cloning as this is the only tent and space I have to grow, but I do have about 15 named, and another maybe 10-15 unknown strain seeds waiting for future grows.

Also I just transplanted into the 5 gallon pots about 5 days ago and they have taken off since!

I'm curious as to the trimming of bottom foliage though. If this is the recommendation just let me know how much you think and when I should make cuts.
Guess it's time to start heavily researching trimming and comparing what I have to what is best to do. My wife is going to be on my ass for the next couple days due to my head buried in a screen again.
Had a friend visit last night he brought a m8 that was sick and i was like dude if i get sick this is the last time you toke at my place.. Fuck me 12 hours later my lunges are hurting and snot drippin..
So to try and make an escape from feeling sheeit i made strawberry tee and is about to watch a brand new episode of The Boondocks.
Hope yall is feeling better..
friends eh! who needs em, lol......

And Welcome Figgy to the 600 thread. Nice looking ladies you got there. foliage removal below canopy is a toss up between having lots of hashable popcorn buds, and the potential of adding to your canopy weight by distributing the energy up to the top only. The latter is probable more efficient and reduces head fuk time when trimming.
I want heavy, dense, delicious nugs. Hash is secondary right now. I'm sure I'll get a little off of sugar trim anyway. Thanks for the welcome DST.
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So I edited this post and my text is gone. Anyway, I cleared out some inner side branches and leaves. Clipped some fan leaves that were laying on the soil. Tried to get all the super small inner growth that was totally shaded. I didn't want to do too much as I'm guessing you don't want to shock the plants too badly. My questions would be: Is is recommended to prune or leave big fan leaves that are covering potential bud spots? Or will the stretch help them clear the fan leaves?

I've hijacked this thread with enough noob questions, so that should be it until harvest time. Maybe some update pics every now and then. Smoke on...


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Figgy ( so weird to call you that because it is a nickname for a guy on here I dislike. Haha. Oh well, you shall be figgy from now on.)

It was good of you to trim the leaves touching soil, as they can mold.

Do not trim other leaves covering buds. You can move them out of the way. Fan leaves store nutrients and make energy for the plant.

As long as you trim shoots after watering, it does little to stunt the plant. Anything that is super small, on the bottom 1/4 of the plant or flimsy stemmed should be removed. It will be small airy bud if left on.
Flaming, it's an old gamer tag from years ago.

What I read was conflicting. Some say prune, some say don't. I figured I'll just do a little bit. I'll keep an eye out for that super small growth and trim it ASAP. It would be great if there was one true way to grow this, but it's like art. Everyone has their own style that works.
Some cool bass playing, once you make it past the goofy beginning:
(*I'm in the market for a pre-amp pedal and came across this demo of a pedal, and the guy is a flippin' good bassist)

That is some trippy bass playing, or sounds rather. I just sealed a deal to trade my bass to a guy, I'm super stoked and feel as though my investment is paying off. I'm getting 4 mics, a pair of monitors, a couple stands and cables, plus another bass.
welcome figgy nice looking plants. i found a lot of naners on the cherry puff i flowered, so i pulled like 15 or so off to try and finish it out. i have 8 more girls and one boy left so i hope i get a good keeper. they are great looking plants. i put my alligator kush male and my two fireballs males i have saved out of the 7 i got. i will have Al. kushf2 and FB f3 pips. my dogs are done but the seeds i made with the blue pit are not so they will get pulled sunday when i get home from planting one my gorilla plots. worked dawn till dusk just took my shower and it is 1130 here so good night folks.
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@DoobieBrother - I love me some fretless bass! May I suggest trying some active pickups instead. They have a range of sounds from smooth jazzy standup bass to booty shakin' thumb popping funk. Allows you to keep your setup cleaner. Just don't leave the cord plugged in because it will drain the battery.

@jigfresh - trading musical gear is a blast. That is how I got my 1980 Japanese P-Bass Lyte :)

LA Con shaded lower bud trichs:

Active pickups....Jig sent me a video of a Scottish dude going on about how he dislikes active pickups, lol. It was more to do with how the guy talked rather than Jig trying to educate me about active all accounts that dude didn't like em, hahaha.......

Q to Gen, the Hot cookies (FB's) that the fairy sent, are they f1's or f2's? cheers mucker.

@DoobieBrother - I love me some fretless bass! May I suggest trying some active pickups instead. They have a range of sounds from smooth jazzy standup bass to booty shakin' thumb popping funk. Allows you to keep your setup cleaner. Just don't leave the cord plugged in because it will drain the battery.

@jigfresh - trading musical gear is a blast. That is how I got my 1980 Japanese P-Bass Lyte :)

LA Con shaded lower bud trichs:


The bass I have (Ibanez GSR206) has active pickups, unfortunately it doesn't have a mid-range control, only treble & bass (w/boost).
But it produces great clear tone, and my GT-10B does good for other things, but I'm going to be going with a VT Bass Deluxe to get the sounds I prefer..
Then I'll save up for a Roland drum kit....

Or I might even go for a 5-string fretless like this one:

That is some trippy bass playing, or sounds rather. I just sealed a deal to trade my bass to a guy, I'm super stoked and feel as though my investment is paying off. I'm getting 4 mics, a pair of monitors, a couple stands and cables, plus another bass.

Wheelin' & dealin' :-)
Sounds like a great trade :-)
Here's a riddle for you:

What has two thumbs and is as soft as a lump of tepid water?

Answer: THIS guy!!! (thumbs pointed squarely at myself)

The wife , and by proxy, myself, have decided to be a foster home for litters of kittens through the local Friends of Felines.
I have until the weekend to finish kitten-proofing things, and then we'll have an inspection/orientation and take it from there (meaning we might have a batch of furry freaks by Saturday, if all goes to plan).
So the 600 will soon be rife & riddled with kitten pics & vids, unless they're homely & boring kittens.
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I was at the Rijks museum yesterday and noticed one of the old masters paintings with a family scene with a dog in the painting, and one of the people in the scene holding up a cat so that it was standing up on it's hind legs....I thought, "so people were taking silly pics of their cats even back in the 18th Century, :)