Club 600

HU, your description of the Slick smelly resin sounds exactly like my DP cut :-) none of the other strains Im running have this quality.

Well I just got done finger banging all the developing buds in my bloom room and my hands smell delicious lol. Then (a few seconds ago) I made the mistake of rubbing my eye because it itched and now its burning like fire! haha, does this happen to anybody ells? happens to me all the time during trim.
HU, your description of the Slick smelly resin sounds exactly like my DP cut :-) none of the other strains Im running have this quality.

Well I just got done finger banging all the developing buds in my bloom room and my hands smell delicious lol. Then (a few seconds ago) I made the mistake of rubbing my eye because it itched and now its burning like fire! haha, does this happen to anybody ells? happens to me all the time during trim.

Happened to me last night while I was driving. My and my wife were trimming and she realized we need to take off real quick to pick someone up. I just wash my hands in the sink, but you know how that doens't take off any of the resin. Anyways about halfway down our hill I scratch my eye with my finger and OWWWWWWWW. Shit was burning so bad. I had to drive for like 5 minutes winking like a pirate, lol. I'm usually pretty good about using my wrist or back of my hand to rub my eye but even then sometimes you got fuckin trichs all over the back of your hand too.

The dangers of growing sticky ass weed, hahaha.
Here's the two females. I put the bucket directly behind them for size comparison and these have only been floweing for a couple weeks.

I was having trouble with the uploader for some reason so no big pics at the moment.


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Here you ho gez :-) looking nice bro.
Doobie, is that you in that pic with the printer? Don't you look all 'normal'? Thankfully I don't have to worry about drug tests where I work and they all know I'm a stoner. Hell, they've all smoked some of what I've grown. I'm lucky enough to work with a good group of guys, we even golf together.
No, I just snagged that pic off the internet and made sure to blur the guy pulling the print and the face of the model in the photo being printed.
Here is a pic of mine:


As for looks, well, I am The Dude incarnate.
My sister even tells me I look like Jeff Bridges.
I laugh at myself when I'm puttering around the apartment or tending to my garden in full Dude regalia, boxers, old t-shirt, open bathrobe and slippers, smoking a doobie (except no White Russian) and am struck with the irony of it all.
Thanks Whodat!

I can't stop thinking about how the NYPD will yield with some veg time. I think it's going to be a winner for me since all of them look like these two.
Gotta love "the Dude" haha he's awesome :-)

Yeah they look like keepers atm dez! But you never know how shes gonna smoke until you, ummm, smoke it lol.
Hey bill is that a sand or bead blaster in the background? I cant remember who did the jar for baja but was it you by any chance?

Maaayyybeee. Lol. yeah it was me. I'll put another pic of one of my creations up.

Also if any of you have ever made canna-oil, try using your oil as a massage oil on sore spots on your body, I can guarantee the pain will be gone :)
Doobie, don't we all where the dude stuff at home? Thanks for the laugh, you drew a wonderful picture with your description.

I have a re-veg question. I took a few cuttings from my three week into flower plants. They were all the smaller branches that wouldn't amount to anything. Generally how long does it take to re-veg a cutting?
Yeah its known to make skin cancer disappear to! even when all other methods of treatment fail!

I got to thinking about the custom jar and got in touch with my buddy back in New Orleans and placed and order for 4 custom jars :-)
Gonna have fleur de lis buttons and sandblasted "whodat" on them. He said he could make them large enough to fit my hand in which is nice :-)

Maaayyybeee. Lol. yeah it was me. I'll put another pic of one of my creations up.

Also if any of you have ever made canna-oil, try using your oil as a massage oil on sore spots on your body, I can guarantee the pain will be gone :)
Yeah its know to make skin cancer disappear to! even when all other methods of treatment fail!

I got to thinking about the custom jar and got in touch with my buddy back in New Orleans and placed and order for 4 custom jars :-)
Gonna have fleur de lis buttons and sandblasted "whodat" on them. He said he could make them large enough to fit my hand in which is nice :-)

Sounds good bro, hope they turn out well.


I don't want to flood this thread with pics, nor shamelessly rep my grow, but if you guys like, check out my thread where I usually have way more stuff going on, that way I dont feel like I am over posting in here, lol :)

Oh and here is the G.D. Male
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Im FUCKING PISSED..... I go to make my first gun purchase AND I GET DENIED. UPON FURTHER RESEARCH ON THE CO STATE SITE IT SAYS YOU FORFEIT ANY GUN RIGHTS WHEN YOU GET YOUR MMJ CARD......... WTF KIND OF SHIT IS THAT... Im so damn pissed i picked out the one i wanted and everything..................... WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS WORLD COMING TO.. Sorry i had to vent to somebody
Cool pics bill

Im FUCKING PISSED..... I go to make my first gun purchase AND I GET DENIED. UPON FURTHER RESEARCH ON THE CO STATE SITE IT SAYS YOU FORFEIT ANY GUN RIGHTS WHEN YOU GET YOUR MMJ CARD......... WTF KIND OF SHIT IS THAT... Im so damn pissed i picked out the one i wanted and everything..................... WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS WORLD COMING TO.. Sorry i had to vent to somebody

What?? So there's a catch and no warning? That is really fucked up