Club 600

Dont you want high humidity for clones???
Im not too sure, thats what I was trying to figure out, but I'm somewhat vegging these, I guess.
I mean, some clones are pretty decent in size but if my humidity is good then hell yeah.

whats ventting like?
Ill try to take a picture here in a second but its a fan ziptied to a dryer duct.
Thats duct taped/stapled to a hole in the back and it moves a nice amount of air into the box.

The exhaust as of now is just a hole that I also use for my power cord :)
Im not too sure, thats what I was trying to figure out, but I'm somewhat vegging these, I guess.
I mean, some clones are pretty decent in size but if my humidity is good then hell yeah.

Ill try to take a picture here in a second but its a fan ziptied to a dryer duct.
Thats duct taped/stapled to a hole in the back and it moves a nice amount of air into the box.

The exhaust as of now is just a hole that I also use for my power cord :)

turn that fan around,and see if that will bring it down some.
its fine like it is,unless you get too many plants.
turn that fan around,and see if that will bring it down some.
its fine like it is,unless you get too many plants.

We cant turn the fan around without ripping the tubing so thats not an option right now unless we just mount the fan onto the back, which we might.
Anyone know how to make a computer fan work as my exhaust because I have a few but they arent plugins.
Most likely your computer fans are 12v....just find a cellphone charger or something your not using and splice it in....if its a 6 0r 9v charger the fan will just run a little slower.

Just make sure the voltage on the fan is higher or the same of what kind of transformer cord your using!!!!......don't want a fire!!!
Im not too sure, thats what I was trying to figure out, but I'm somewhat vegging these, I guess.
I mean, some clones are pretty decent in size but if my humidity is good then hell yeah.
My bad, I thought you meant it was a cloning chamber, to root cuttings.

Best option is to do what genuity said and have that fan as an exhaust and just have a passive intake, or use the PC fan as an intake. That way you just arent stuffing the box full of air with very little air exchange.
Green Dream Male - Green Crack x Blue Dream.

Hopefully with his pollen I can get some of that BD dna for yield :)

Beautiful male Bill... Wish I could get my hands on that GC... Such good smoke!

Week 2 flower...
I think there is 6 males still in there...

They had a little droop mid week from me pushing the water height tubes down... I just pulled em back up and they look alot better now

Oh man. getting into a night of Steely Dan is like a night with coke, not that I've done that in a long, long time, but once you get started you can't stop till it's all done. Only difference is that I have no problem sharing SD.
Alright we went out and bought a few things for that box..

Another exact fan that blows the air from the intake into the plants to simulate wind and it is also conveniently aimed at the exhaust hole.
We also purchased a thermometer/humidity reader.

The new stats are 80°F and around 60% humidity.

All of the clones I got yesterday, except the one I purchased from the compassion center, have white dots, but they arent insects or mildew, Ive checked.
I believe maybe because I transported them at night and that it was a 45 minute ride may be the case.

Another thing is one of the plants has yellow on a few leaves, would that be burning from possible overmisting?
I would take that amount bru!! for sure.....

It's all quite funny, but I am a bit gutted to be honest. Was really looking forward to some Silver Haze taste. It's got the smell, has even packed on some crystals, it's just so god dam fluffy it's unreal...And that's 16 weeks I have flowered it for.

And there it is...

Exactly what happened to my RBC. I binned it before harvest but it had goone for something like 13 weeks before I decided to cut my losses.

Guess I shold've let it go and made hash out of and learn, eh
O.K. A friend asked me to share this 'simple solution' with you all. Many of us with indoor gardens have been pestered with gnats in the soil, and in our faces. Well I took some nice flat pieces of cardboard about 18 inches wide and 40 inches long and taped a long piece of white waxed freezer paper to them, wax side showing, took a small piece of a paper towel soaked with olive oil and wiped a thin coating on there. I tacked them up on the walls around the plants and have caught many of the flying adults. As for the larvae in the soil, a little bit of diatomaceous earth mixed with some water, and gently poured over all the surface area of the soil, kills the little b**tards by slicing them up! D Earth is good for the plants and good for you, just don't breath in the dust, not toxic, but can cause irritation. Google D Earth. Just sharing
I almost bought one of those splitters that were being talked about a couple pages back but decided against for now due to them being designed to only work with the Sunpulse "pulse start" MH bulbs. they're something like $115 each and I didn't want to drop the $460 to replace mine right now. I do have a couple 1000w ballasts and may do it in the future but for now I run all 600w ballasts and bulbs (5 total).
Alright we went out and bought a few things for that box..

Another exact fan that blows the air from the intake into the plants to simulate wind and it is also conveniently aimed at the exhaust hole.
We also purchased a thermometer/humidity reader.

The new stats are 80°F and around 60% humidity.

All of the clones I got yesterday, except the one I purchased from the compassion center, have white dots, but they arent insects or mildew, Ive checked.
I believe maybe because I transported them at night and that it was a 45 minute ride may be the case.

Another thing is one of the plants has yellow on a few leaves, would that be burning from possible overmisting?

White dots sounds like spider mites which are very hard to see, very common when you get clones from a dispensary. Better double check with a scope ;)
Skunk 1 x Puta is just to sexy the cross is turning out nice :) at three weeks mmmmm

Fat Puta is filling in now, just love the way it flowers again 3 weeks 12/12