Club 600

mr west

Well-Known Member
Hey guys, im up and open for bribes ends, some nice early entrys. Good oll Cof enlarging for ppl, should we be deducting points for lack of forum knowladge??

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
Hey guys, im up and open for bribes ends, some nice early entrys. Good oll Cof enlarging for ppl, should we be deducting points for lack of forum knowladge??
No,I was trying to give everyone an equal footing, but what is the proper bribe? I don't want to sell mine too



Active Member
I,m aiming this at mister west as I'm sure he has the best incite.

Did you find that the exodus cheese didn't stretch too much in flower? i have 3 and vegged for a couple months. they bushed out but didn't really get that tall.
its not very uniform either, nothing like the other strains I'm growing.
tonnes of buds forming. just wondering how the yield is on the exodus? wondering if i should have taken the lower branches off or scrog'd them.

just leaving them as they are at the moment as an experiment. there on the very right of my previous photo. excuse the quality.