Club 600


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys the fans not blowin on them now sorted that earlier and ill turn my exhoust fan down a little that should raise humidity cheers


Well-Known Member
that looks so nice!

i've bought one quart ball jars twice in the last month. both times the checkout lady asked me what i was canning. i have learned that people always ask nosy questions so i have a stock answer.

I have no idea what they are for, she told me to buy them and i don't ask.

they always nod knowingly. there is no she at the moment. life is just so much calmer living alone. :)

i do that for perlite too!

the lady who asked me why i was buying the perlite (those huge bags) said the last guy said he bought it to store turtle eggs! turtle eggs? :laugh:
I have been just telling nosey people I GROW POT!!! Been hiding in the shadows for most of my life and decided not to hide anymore. If you want to put me in jail for a Plant well then lock my ass up. Time has come to stand up a say Fuck You to Prohibition.


Well-Known Member
Soo fatboyogof, what did you do with all of your time before you found the 600? lol just jokes my friend, Iv had to peel my fingers off the comp to get away from this thread... actually I need to do that now and get some shite done!



Well-Known Member
Soo fatboyogof, what did you do with all of your time before you found the 600? lol just jokes my friend, Iv had to peel my fingers off the comp to get away from this thread... actually I need to do that now and get some shite done!


i started posting on grow boards in 1994. so i don't do it much anymore. i go through posting spurts though! i go for months without posting then go on a tear for a bit.

this is the tear! you'll miss me when i'm hiding in my cave again!


Well-Known Member
I have been just telling nosey people I GROW POT!!! Been hiding in the shadows for most of my life and decided not to hide anymore. If you want to put me in jail for a Plant well then lock my ass up. Time has come to stand up a say Fuck You to Prohibition.
more power to you brother! i live in sherrif joe country. ima stay low till i die!

i know one thing for sure, the laws that allow med reefer can be changed next election cycle. i'm not telling anybody. unless she's really cute!


Well-Known Member
more power to you brother! i live in sherrif joe country. ima stay low till i die!

i know one thing for sure, the laws that allow med reefer can be changed next election cycle. i'm not telling anybody. unless she's really cute!
I hear ya man, I am lucky enough to live in a state with MMJ and it just seems silly for people to hide anymore. We have over 100 Pot Stores within a 10 mile radius of my town. And i think I'm getting Grumpier in my old age. Damn kids get off my Lawn!!!!

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
i'm close to harvest so i started brushing up on the best practices. it's clear to me that refreshing my memory on such things once a year would be in my best interests. i got lazy and my last crop dried too quick and barely any cure. i'm guessing many of you have stumbled on this thread about using a hygrometer to check on humidity levels in your curing jars/bags/room. i'm on post 206 of a 1000 post thread and it's been remarkably helpful. i've ordered hygrometers and a humidifier. ima do it like it should be done!

I read it highly since you highly recommended it. I also ordered two of them, thanks for the info.


Well-Known Member
I read it highly since you highly recommended it. I also ordered two of them, thanks for the info.
dude i'm losing my mind over this. hygrometers? so simple. such a great idea and i have been keeping my reefer way too dry. i can't wait to see how things turn out this round.

i'm at 66 days flower, i got the one digital one he recommends and i got 3 analog hygrometers recommended later in the thread. they were $6.00 apiece.

i have 22 plants and i have 36 quart ball jars. if they are as helpful as i think they are, i'll buy more of the digitals. :)

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
For anyone interested, you can get half gallon mason jars from ace hardware. You have to order them online and I get them shipped to the store so there is no shipping charge. It's around ten bucks for a case of six jars.

As to humidity, I try to keep mine around fifty to fifty five percent while drying my bud. It usually takes four or five days until it is crisp on the outside. At that point the stems don't snap but you can feel they are drying. I would rather jar them too moist than too dry.


Well-Known Member
that LS looks mighty good shrig.
i had about an ounce of it and i loved it, i also got about 15 seeds of her that i am just waiting to grow


Well-Known Member
that LS looks mighty good shrig.
i had about an ounce of it and i loved it, i also got about 15 seeds of her that i am just waiting to grow
Its my favourite plant, Its the best in the garden. Thanks for the comment. 2 weeks and in gonna be chopping or very close to chopping. Bud porn to come! Peace


Well-Known Member
your filed in very nice, most sativa grows i see are always lanky with lots of smaller buds, it could be yours is just great or ive just seen some shitty sativa grows


Well-Known Member
my last sativa was a pile o shit. I must admit im impressed with the LS. GHS ain't so bad, im gonna grow it again after i empty my veg room.


Well-Known Member
This is stuck in my head for some reason, lol.

It played on a station I have set up on

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Nice bunch to got there shrig. Got myself a lonely lemon skunk bean in storage i think i'll wait till i get some more before giving them ago. hows the yield on it?

copied a bit from log:
Update wk 6 -4wks flower (2morrow)

Took a look at the Dog plants leavesand i can see more signs of leaf damage, im not sure whats eating away at my plant and why only this one? I took a look threw my scope and can see some sort of bug on it. Going to hot box it 2morrow and spray with bug spray(cant remember the name).Apart from that the gardens looking good the Blue cheese looks like its going to spread out every where its going to need alot of tying up when it buds the stems are alot thicker than the normal cheese so it might be a bit more sturdy.The dog has some long spaced out branches not the best to take cuts from i took a few today anyway abit later in to flowering than i would like.
Got some Ghe ripen -anybody used it? Did you notice any difference in wieght or taste?
Heres some pic:

Attached Thumbnails