Club 600


Well-Known Member
Hey People, I go to bed for 2 minutes and.....

For me, please feel free to post what you like, I agree whole heartedly with Jig's sentiments above, sometimes the written word can be a difficult thing to understand. I know what I am talking about here, it's my job! I know of people who are unable to write in their mother tongue, yet can write in their second language...writing and making yourself understood is sometimes we misunderstand

Anyway, that being written, I just want to clear things up. I like Rap music, I like Rock, I like a lot of things. This is the 600 Club, (peeps with 600w bulbs) but it is I feel also a social club and I like to hear about what my fellow growers are up to (you know I log into Facebook about twice a year because someone sends me some sort of dumb invite to play Maffia Wars or something like that - sorry if anyone plays that) So I like RIU for it's social side as well (its my Green Facebook). And yell have I met some cool dudes so far. And of course the social side is not only to see peeps growing skillz.

I guess what I am trying to say is, I am not restricting anybody posting anything , as long as you are not talking crap to another Roger 600 Watter, then all is Kool and the G...and I guess if you don't want to post then no problems either, there will always be love from the 600 whatever the case.

So lets all get abongsmilieand please don't stop visiting the 600.

Peace DST.


Well-Known Member
You trying to break our necks Scotty? hehe, here's one of Scotty's girls the right way up:bigjoint:

EDIT: I am rocking a Bose Lifestyle system at home...they are the biz!! Love the Bose sound. And those little speakers are just the bomb.
Reminds me, I want ot get rid of my Sennheiser noise reduction headphones and get a new pair of Bose ones...

Oh, and my GREENHOUSE has nearly been constructed here, just got the glass to go in now. Will bump some pics up shortly...hehehe. stocked. Oh, and they call a Greenhouse, a "TuinKast" in Dutch (translated - a Garden Cupboard, hahaha)




Well-Known Member
Finished replacing my four 1000w dinosaurs with six new 600w Quantums. The light coverage is great, the electric bill will drop a cpl bucks and with hoods I made for my cool tubes, they really rock!!! Can't wait to finish out some new strains I got from Vacouver Island seed co. Check em out.



Well-Known Member
Finished replacing my four 1000w dinosaurs with six new 600w Quantums. The light coverage is great, the electric bill will drop a cpl bucks and with hoods I made for my cool tubes, they really rock!!! Can't wait to finish out some new strains I got from Vacouver Island seed co. Check em out.
Looks awesome Tat2ue! Those hoods look like they are really getting that light concentrated on your girls!! Nice.



Well-Known Member
Looks awesome Tat2ue! Those hoods look like they are really getting that light concentrated on your girls!! Nice.

Thanks...the hoods i made really contrate the light from the cool tubes. A friend of mine builds patio covers and screen rooms and made them out of scrap alum and bent them to order on his sheet metal brake for no charge.


Well-Known Member
hey i just realized i havent heard anyone on this site talk about northern lights and garden. their not a huge company but pretty big. they are based out of oregon, and they have great deals. check out theri promotions. heres the link f interested in some cheap qaulity grow equipment.
Wow great site ther mcp. May order some goods.

whoah drama boy, slow down. i just thought 3 pages of rap videos were kinda outta place. my deepest apologizes.

It was 2 videos, huh 3 pages, whatever dude, and to think i repped you the other day. :wall:

it's NOT my site and i wasn't being snobby.
Finished replacing my four 1000w dinosaurs with six new 600w Quantums. The light coverage is great, the electric bill will drop a cpl bucks and with hoods I made for my cool tubes, they really rock!!! Can't wait to finish out some new strains I got from Vacouver Island seed co. Check em out.
WHO DAT. Thats my team too tatue. man youve got a nice operation going there. Them look like some good quality ballast's.


Well-Known Member
Well looks like I finally got my digs settled for when I come home in an 808 and the wife doesn't want me stankin up the bed.....thank god it came with a free heater, hahaha. Roll on summer time......

It even has drainage

We are starting off with Tulip, which should have been planted already, but we'll give it a go. Then we are filling the left hand side up with tomatoes, and we'll take it from there....

Peace, DST



Well-Known Member
DST nice looking green house. Looks well constructed. I wish i had the space for a veggy garden.
Thanks bru, I am well chuffed, and so I should be, cost a bloody nuff!!

Never grown any of those trains, I guess the UK boys can gen you up on the Cheese, although I doubt it's the same as UK Cheese;-)...however I have smoked the cheese from the Greenhouse (they charge like 18 euro a gram for it!!! I would never buy it, a friend visiting did.)

Those coloured seeds are a real marketing thing though (seemingly helps with germination or something):lol:

damn man thats a fly green house DST nicely nicely.
Cheers bru, looking forward to getting some vegoids on the go.

Peace, DST

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
easy dst nice greenhouse room for a few trees in there mate :)

not having a go at anyone....

kinda new 2 all forum stuff but wanted 2 say that jig and dst where on the right wavelength, i come on here 2 smoke a doob when back from work, chill out, chat some rubbish but learn a thing or 2 in the process (well, quite a bit actually)

i think people do read into things, i'm sarcastic but try 2 leave it out when writing a txt, msn or post as its hard 2 pick up, thats why i put a smiley face 2 make sure people dont take me the wrong way. badassmason glad u didnt give up ur posts, i dont think is right to feel like u shouldnt post. we live in a free socity (although the law doesnt always seem fair) we all come from different parts of the globe, and we all have something in common, lets party and smoke some high grade not fight amongst ourselves. (that last bit sounded like a quote from a film).

gentlemen, skin up a fat one and relax its all a lot of fun really.
this is for all of you at the 600 club :joint:


Well-Known Member
you all are way too sensitive. sheesh.

this is "indoor growing". this is a thread for people with 600 watt lights. the last time "rap" was brought into it it went on and on for days. to the point that i simply left. i saw that happening again so i "mentioned it". all i said was "this is why i left last time". then everyone started crying. wtf? rap has NO place in this thread IMO. even said "i will check in later". i was NOT being rude. i was not trying to insult anyone. some of you really need to mellow out. all that rap music is making you hostile.


Well-Known Member
LOL... It's you that's making us hostile with your curtness and disapproval of our thread. Can't we just move along and enjoy the club.

Anyone is free to start a 600w Growing Only thread... then when anyone strays off topic they can be put in their place.

If we move to another area of the forum would we then be allowed to discuss other topics?

Why are you trying to mess up the vibe here?

Also, just becuase you think that you were NOT being rude, doesn't mean that others don't take what you say as being rude. Just becuase I think I'm saying something one way doesn't mean that's how it comes off. So if multiple people think you are being rude, there may be something to look at in the way you say things.


Well-Known Member
OK FDD im sorry. Im still gonna bump some rap here though now and then. What do you say truce.:-o No im not sensitive im an asshole. Ahahah. Atleast i can admit it. Now Jig & D are right on with the nature of things. I dont wanna make any enemies. Seems we all enjoy some rap here and ive seen your rock blocks which i enjoy from time to time. Im also a rock junky.
With all due respect I feel the person who started the thread should decide whats acceptable content within. So are we cool now or no?


Well-Known Member
LOL... It's you that's making us hostile with your curtness and disapproval of our thread. Can't we just move along and enjoy the club.

Anyone is free to start a 600w Growing Only thread... then when anyone strays off topic they can be put in their place.

If we move to another area of the forum would we then be allowed to discuss other topics?

Why are you trying to mess up the vibe here?

Also, just becuase you think that you were NOT being rude, doesn't mean that others don't take what you say as being rude. Just becuase I think I'm saying something one way doesn't mean that's how it comes off. So if multiple people think you are being rude, there may be something to look at in the way you say things.

there are half a dozen people commenting AFTER i said "I WILL CHECK BACK LATER". including this one. lol

you all are trippin'. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
OK FDD im sorry. Im still gonna bump some rap here though now and then. What do you say truce.:-o No im not sensitive im an asshole. Ahahah. Atleast i can admit it. Now Jig & D are right on with the nature of things. I dont wanna make any enemies. Seems we all enjoy some rap here and ive seen your rock blocks which i enjoy from time to time. Im also a rock junky.
With all due respect I feel the person who started the thread should decide whats acceptable content within. So are we cool now or no?

we were never not cool.

i saw a new wave of rap crap starting and said i'd be back later. that was pretty much it. i didn't say "this shit sucks", or call anyone names. i simply, and vaguely stated my opinion and tried to walk away.
from there everybody else pushed it. :eyesmoke: :bigjoint: