Club 600


Well-Known Member
After an eight week flower period the casey jones finished two grams shy of two ounces. She's now in jars curing.

So I'm watching the military channel and what do I see in future smart weapons? Some six inch flying bug some brilliant person decided to name the mite. I'm thinking it's a military application that can go worldwide undetected and shoot infrared light looking for indoor hot spots, when found they fly overhead very low and drop a load of mites in your property. A new weapon in the war on drugs? Is it possible this is where the mites are coming from?

I made up the last part but the mite plane is for real.

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Thanks genuity and as usual...amazing. I still think you should shop some of your photos around, maybe even to some of the seed breeders whose wares you've grown. Might even lead to you being able to make some bucks with your growing and photo skills...just a thought.


Well-Known Member
After an eight week flower period the casey jones finished two grams shy of two ounces. She's now in jars curing.

So I'm watching the military channel and what do I see in future smart weapons? Some six inch flying bug some brilliant person decided to name the mite. I'm thinking it's a military application that can go worldwide undetected and shoot infrared light looking for indoor hot spots, when found they fly overhead very low and drop a load of mites in your property. A new weapon in the war on drugs? Is it possible this is where the mites are coming from?

I made up the last part but the mite plane is for real.
You mite be on to something.....hmmmm :wink:

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Lord knows bassman I hope I'm not onto something. So far so good on the mite end here. There seems to be no transplant shock at all. All girls/guys? are doing well, arms outstretched catching the rays. For anyone who has access to smart pots, I can't recommend them enough. They develop a great room system with no circling in the bottoms of the containers at all. Beside that little gem they also produce way more feeder roots than regular pots. The roots when they hit the sides and bottom grow into the fabric and then start branching out feeder roots instead of circling. I really recommend them to anyone using soil or some sort of soiless mix.


Well-Known Member
Lord knows bassman I hope I'm not onto something. So far so good on the mite end here. There seems to be no transplant shock at all. All girls/guys? are doing well, arms outstretched catching the rays. For anyone who has access to smart pots, I can't recommend them enough. They develop a great room system with no circling in the bottoms of the containers at all. Beside that little gem they also produce way more feeder roots than regular pots. The roots when they hit the sides and bottom grow into the fabric and then start branching out feeder roots instead of circling. I really recommend them to anyone using soil or some sort of soiless mix.
Agreed, I love my superoot air pots. I would recommend them to anyone growing in dirt.


Well-Known Member
You 2 make me wanna buy them now and re-pot!!

My girls are looking really alive and vibrant for once and I am happy because they are!

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
bud PRON!!! ive got a question for those who use sannies there a difference between sannies seeds, breeders choice, and motarebel? ive had my eye on the double koosh!
Different breeders, but all are of excellant quality. I grew the double koosh and the uberkush and I like the uber a lot better...she is a permanent part of the garden.



Well-Known Member
thanks bassman! hope your GDP turns out like mine.

COF- i knew you would be my guy to turn to for that question! thanks for pointing me in the right direction!


Well-Known Member
thanks bassman! hope your GDP turns out like mine.

COF- i knew you would be my guy to turn to for that question! thanks for pointing me in the right direction!
I have all my meters now and also now know that I need to treat my sunshine mix 4 like a hydro medium. I have high hopes for her to come out great!
It is still weird that she is the only strain to get yellow, but I think that is just her way of telling me something is wrong, and the others do it by twisting a leaf or a blue-ish cast to the leaves etc....


Just brought GH's Pineapple Rush. Contains all natural raw cane sugar, molasses, malt syrup, select plant based esters, L-amino acids, organic acids, polyflavonoids, vitamins and essential minerals.

Anyone used this product in hydro? I know molasses doesnt go well in hydro but I'd think this would be formulated to be better suited. Thought what the heck and brougth the flora blend too so now i've pretty much the whole gh lineup i want to run. Gh 3-part, Floricious Plus, Koolbloom, Dry Koolbloom, Flora Blend and Flora Nectar. I've tried Diamond Nectar before and didnt notice any real difference so no longer use it.


Active Member
these are bagseed 60 days into flower. advanced nutrients. gave em a little ph burn a while ago so the leaves look bent outta shape. how much longer? should i be flushing? the bud clipped and closeups is the most mature imo.



Well-Known Member
Finally remembered to bring the two little spluffed Afghan Kush plants home tonight so I can harvest them and steal their seeds. I cut them off at the base and bagged the whole plant up. I don't have time to deal with them tonight so they'll be spending the night in the bags I think. Hope they don't mold but I have 0 odor control measures here now so I'm afraid to hang them anywhere but in the attic. I can't get into the attic now either because the kids are sleeping.

I'll be keeping my fingers crossed.