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Well-Known Member
ghb, to answer your question about watering. I have no idea how much water they take. I mix two gallons of stuff and generally water them every day. Every once in a while I let them go a day without water. If I had to guess, I would say each plant gets around ten ounces of water, about 250-300 ml on any given day. I go around and hit all the plants twice and then pick them up to feel how heavy they are. I'm not a big fan of run-off so I try to water them enough that the bags feel heavy but not enough I have run-off going everywhere. It's all a feel thing.


Well-Known Member
headsup i fully understand. i grow in coco and i love the run off (at least 50%) but i don't understand how people who grow in soil can get away with it (riddleme for example) i would have thought the more run-off the more nutrients you are washing out of the soil.

and i agree about the feel thingy, i water my plants when i can pick the pot up with finger and thumb, lol real scientific.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i reckon most of us are growing slap dash like that, i never have run off dont use a ph or ec meter. i havent been able to reach the thermometer/hydrometer in the back of the tent for months. once your not so green to growing you can just read a plant. theyll tell you when they need something...


Well-Known Member
haha, sounds exactly like my method...but I don't even have a thermo to look at.....can get quite confusing if you re hungover, you are thinking, is it me or is it just too hot in here, haha.

this morning I thought, mmmn, yellowing in lower leaves is coming a nit too soon for my liking, so I kind of put a little bit less of a splash of pk13/14 today...see what happens.

i reckon most of us are growing slap dash like that, i never have run off dont use a ph or ec meter. i havent been able to reach the thermometer/hydrometer in the back of the tent for months. once your not so green to growing you can just read a plant. theyll tell you when they need something...

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye a little bump of nutes usually does the trick, tho with canna A&B its not the case you cant just up the A or B without the risk of burn. why i eventually got the bat shit brew going. still cant get the bloody black rose cheese pheno ive got to stay bloody green. first 3 weeks of 12/12 its yellow like a banana


Well-Known Member
Do you feed the girls all from the same mix Don?

I noticed with the BX2 it sheds leaves like nobodies business, and the CJ is kind of like that as well. I have done this round with BAC Schimmels (fungus, mycorrhizae) and the green has been much more long standing and the yellowing reduced greatly...we shall see how they deal as the pk dosage is increased.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
no man ive got currently 5 different feeds plain for me seedlings week feed for the vegging ones then near full strength for the first 3 of 12/12 then full for the next lot and one which is a hot mix for the latter boosting period. theres invariably a bit of crossover but cos ive got 5L water bottles im not forever making up nutes thank god.

re the yellowing thing in the cheese, that must come from a recessive gene cos the clone generally doesnt, same story with livers n psycho.


Well-Known Member
lol, I thought you might have different feeds for different stages, but what I meant was, do you feed all the girls (regardless of strain) in 12/12 at say 3 weeks the same amount of juice? i.e some strains prefer less, some more....I guess not though (all mine get the same except if ones needs attention)

Strange, Mr West said the cheese has a tendency to go through fan leaves? which made sense based on the vine structure of the plant (similar trait in my CJ)...I am not talking like the whole of the plant going yellow, I am refering to fan leaves that are not supporting a flower for example. Some strains hold onto these, some ditch em....

make sense?

no man ive got currently 5 different feeds plain for me seedlings week feed for the vegging ones then near full strength for the first 3 of 12/12 then full for the next lot and one which is a hot mix for the latter boosting period. theres invariably a bit of crossover but cos ive got 5L water bottles im not forever making up nutes thank god.

re the yellowing thing in the cheese, that must come from a recessive gene cos the clone generally doesnt, same story with livers n psycho.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
i do D, my blue cheese was looking a little yellow so for the last 2 feeds she's had stronger than the MBP cheese. i'm kinda thinking that there is a pattern throughout most of my different strain grows, which is making me wanna knock it on the head. variety is the spice of life though lol :)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
lol, I thought you might have different feeds for different stages, but what I meant was, do you feed all the girls (regardless of strain) in 12/12 at say 3 weeks the same amount of juice? i.e some strains prefer less, some more....I guess not though (all mine get the same except if ones needs attention)

Strange, Mr West said the cheese has a tendency to go through fan leaves? which made sense based on the vine structure of the plant (similar trait in my CJ)...I am not talking like the whole of the plant going yellow, I am refering to fan leaves that are not supporting a flower for example. Some strains hold onto these, some ditch em....

make sense?
lmao sorry i took it literal...

i dont measure, i just fill my watering can and use the bartenders flare technique, lmao i count 123. and ghb said he wasnt scientific lmao

i cant say i remember the cheese going through that many leaves but then again i lot the cut a year+ ago.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the props guys. I'm stoked on them for sure.

SS - Your rooms are the shizznit, good stuff.

It sounds like a lot of us use similar methods for watering and feeding (check the weight of the pot). I get run off but I haven't used my moisture meter in a while. Using the little pots that I've had going made it so I needed to water or feed every day so it has been easy to track, lol. I'll be getting away from the little pots though since it's just a pain in the arse. Going to back to fewer plants that are larger in size in each grow since there's two going now and soon to be three.


Well-Known Member
Figured Id stop in and say, HOLY SHIT! I used the bud candy yesterday for the first time, my girls showed in their leaves they took in something new, they straightened out a few hours later, this morning the buds look like they doubled in size. Im not pulling your legs either. I looked in and saw way more white hairs all over my plants than yesterday. Needless to say Im happy as I could be and I hope this growth continues through flowering. If so, it should be a nice harvest.


Well-Known Member
Figured Id stop in and say, HOLY SHIT! I used the bud candy yesterday for the first time, my girls showed in their leaves they took in something new, they straightened out a few hours later, this morning the buds look like they doubled in size. Im not pulling your legs either. I looked in and saw way more white hairs all over my plants than yesterday. Needless to say Im happy as I could be and I hope this growth continues through flowering. If so, it should be a nice harvest.
advanced nutrients is a marmite thing (sorry for those who aren't from the u.k). i have read many people using their products and saying they are the best thing ever to happen to growing, then there are a lot of people out there starting threads just to flame AN, if it works for you it works for you, don't pay too much attention to what other people think. do you think that it would work better in a living medium as opposed to coco?, it's basically molasses with trace nutrients isnt it?


Well-Known Member
I bought it because of the ingredients, rather than the name of the product or brand name. It just has good stuff in it. So I went with it. I use soil, it is for a living medium. I don't use coco, though I thought about giving it a go at one point. I think they either removed the molasses or lessened so it can be used in coco, and something about frothing up in some hydro systems. I tend not to look so much at hater reviews, as they tend to be people that generally don't know what their doing in the first place. If I listened to hater reviews I would have never grown a Greenhouse seed, and would have lost out on smoking some killer Church, Big Bang, Trainwreck, and White Rhino. The Cheese I grew from them was crap, but otherwise good beans to me. Im going to take from the over night growth, and I have made no changes other than the Bud Candy, that it works, or at least in my system at the moment. If I notice any negative effects, I will surely let you guys know. I can't say its 100% awesome at this point, but give me a few weeks, if the growth continues as such, I will have to say it is. I just know that my plants could have used something else the last grow. They looked good and all, but I know their was more they needed. So I was, and am still hoping the bud candy is that thing. I like to keep it simple, so a 3 part feed for flowering, that works great is perfect for me. The most negative thing I heard about it is that they changed to formula from the original. If I was using it in my feeding schedule I would have been pissed too. But Its new to mine so that change in formula never happened to me. I will used any brand product as long as it works, like you said ghb if it works for you it works for you. Use it.


Well-Known Member
well yesterday was my 20th B-day, and my sister took me to get a gift of my choice, i didnt want her to spend to much on me so i got a 8 X 8 pollen sifter. it is made of cedar i believe, it has a 92 micron silk screen and only lets the finest materials through, i wish they made extra screens that you can change cuz theri is still alot of good that does not get through the screen, but the stuff that does is so so good. it cost 50 bucks and a 10 percent discount for it bein my b day. it was also made here in oregon witch is cool. i took a few pics of it, it was either this or 1 gal bubble bags so i thought about it and went the dry sift way cuz it is much easier and less time to make the hash and to me it is just as good and some times better. i put about a half oz of trim in it last night and a few pennies and shook it for 3 mins and got 5 grams of hash all together after only 3 mins and it was ready to smoke, theri is still alot of hash to come out of the trim to.:bigjoint:

On another note my girl is gonna by me a vaporizer for a late b day gift here in a few days i cant spend more then about 220 for one, i want to get a good one though, i used a silver surfer yesterday and i loved it and it is around 240 i think.
Does any one know of a good quality vape that wont break in one month that is not to spendy? i was looking into the volcano but i dont like the bags, i like the hoes hitter, and also every one i seem to talk to at the shops around here about them they steer me away saying that they are not worth the money and it cost so much just cuz the name. im sure they work well but for the price i wont get it and i dont know why multipoll head shop owners would tell me not to get them cuz they are usually about making money in any way.

so can any one mabye point me to a good cheap vape.

oh and the joint is the 10 gram joint i rolled on new years


Well-Known Member
happy belated birthday. i thoiught u were old like everyone else. lol
thanks man, and na im still quite the youngster in age, but all my PO's ive had and drug and alc. counselor say i have a mentality of a much older person and i dont ever hang out with people my age cuz they are all drama and BS, so i hang out with mostly older folk


Well-Known Member
thanks man, and na im still quite the youngster in age, but all my PO's ive had and drug and alc. counselor say i have a mentality of a much older person and i dont ever hang out with people my age cuz they are all drama and BS, so i hang out with mostly older folk
im the same way.. +rep for bein under 25 like me, lol