thats funny.
so i almost just got hacked on this site!
i heard what appeared to be a sound like my phone on vibration.. vibrating several times. Then the rollitup main page lost its X to close out.. i couldnt get out of the page at all , i was trapped. so i hit the ctrol alt delete buttons to go to task manger (even escape woulndt let me escape) and closed up the page. Then my computer starts beeping really loud like a nuclear bomb just exploded or something, or a tsumami alert. and a couple pages come up telling me NOT TO Turn my computer off and call a number, i was being hacked and someone is trying to steal my passwords and stuff... It was hard to get out of those boxes but i did and turned my computer off for a while. Everything seems ok now. I have firewalls and Identity theft so i hope im ok.
have a nice day!!