Murphy's law, what ever can go wrong will.On the plane. Skeasyjet naturally delayed....young boy way past his bedtime already. Comical we are waiting on a fuel truck ffs. This is Schiphol. There should be one on every corner lol.

Murphy's law, what ever can go wrong will.On the plane. Skeasyjet naturally delayed....young boy way past his bedtime already. Comical we are waiting on a fuel truck ffs. This is Schiphol. There should be one on every corner lol.
Any tips for taking clones and using jiffy pellets? Never taken clones before. How long of a branch should I cut off? And where from the plant? How far into the jiffy pellet do I put them in... all the way to the bottom? Half way? Do I scrape the part going into the pellet? Do I snip leaves? Whatever you got I would appreciate.
I'm hopefully getting a cloner/ propagator soon, but until then this is what we are rolling with. And I don't have any rooting gel or anything. Just a razor blade, water, and jiffy pellets. Thanks.
Got the Tom rows all lined up, in this pic you can see most of the veggie pad, the spot with all that tall grass is gonna be cleared out and cultivated. Some terraces to the left you can't fully see.
Anywho, prob gonna be a few more days till I get back to work on the veggies,,, I gotta attend a get together today and the vineyards need som grass cut.
I'm gonna have to soak the ground before tilling and what not, I live ontop a mountain and the ground is hard as hell, already real dry too.
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