Club 600

@moondance - my purple ED that turned out all airy made qwiso that smells and tastes exactly like licorice! It's crazy tasty! I'm just blown away right now. I've never had anything like it.

Unfortunately I think 2 of my 3 EDs in veg are male. I'm giving them another day or two to make sure. There's still hope for one though!
@moondance - my purple ED that turned out all airy made qwiso that smells and tastes exactly like licorice! It's crazy tasty! I'm just blown away right now. I've never had anything like it.

Unfortunately I think 2 of my 3 EDs in veg are male. I'm giving them another day or two to make sure. There's still hope for one though!
You doing any breeding? you'll get pollen with a cfl and a closet!
I just got so very lucky to find the lemon PK, and the way this ED run was mad different from the last, lots of new variables this time though, and no doubt DJ Shorts view on 11/13 is dead on and I am never changing when budding ever again!
1/8 mile was fast enough on that bike. I'd have to find some time slips to be sure but I think it was running 5.90's and about 109 mph.
I'd like an adventure type bike or a sport touring one for my next. My neighbor has a sweet ass bike for a commuter and then has a Triumph Tiger for the weekends. I'm so jealous, LOL.
1/8 mile was fast enough on that bike. I'd have to find some time slips to be sure but I think it was running 5.90's and about 109 mph.
I'd like an adventure type bike or a sport touring one for my next. My neighbor has a sweet ass bike for a commuter and then has a Triumph Tiger for the weekends. I'm so jealous, LOL.
Wow nice, I did have plans of a Goldwing and me and wifey could tour around with, not going there anymore. If I get my car done before I end up in a chair all day, I'll run that bitch down the track with my Kings on the side line! The dually just don't have the torque LOL, low low is nice. I held my own with a mustang the other day in my Donna (drop top). That was fun had to let him go at 60 though no clue where po po was but I could smell them Ha!

Wow nice, I did have plans of a Goldwing and me and wifey could tour around with, not going there anymore. If I get my car done before I end up in a chair all day, I'll run that bitch down the track with my Kings on the side line! The dually just don't have the torque LOL, low low is nice. I held my own with a mustang the other day in my Donna (drop top). That was fun had to let him go at 60 though no clue where po po was but I could smell them Ha!

I never raced anyone on the street on my bike. I didn't really see the point. Both bikes would be stupid fast and there's a good chance one of us would end up dead. No thanks, LOL.
I never raced anyone on the street on my bike. I didn't really see the point. Both bikes would be stupid fast and there's a good chance one of us would end up dead. No thanks, LOL.
I have a horrible need for speed, but I have driven wreckers, plow trucks, race cars, track cars, bikes, and I have a lead foot and quick reflexes, bad combo sometimes, but I have ever wrecked out, I have had 4 people hit me though, I am a magnet!
Best one was a buddy named Paul oddly enough, nicest guy there is worked as an engineer, and a rookie track driver as an independent, this guy had work ethic man! Anyway one night were thrashing on his Mustang, redoing the heads till 2:30 in the morning. WE get done he was like okay I am packing it up got just enough time to get on the track. NOPE, sorry bro gotta test run it, we got the parking lot all to ourselves. Fun night 6 pulls down that parking lot, packed it up, won the race the next day! Nice job Paul!
Well looks like the world found out about us somehow, let's Rock it! Peace to All, Be Safe Always, I love ya all MoonDance!
It's a little work these days, I gave in half way through today, been in the chair, if you can't tell LOL. Feels good though don't it to be playing with your hard work after a long beautiful flower!
I always feel a little bad cutting the first couple but that maybe because
I'm looking at trimming "the bane of my existence".
3/4 of the PK right to hash brother, I found it worked better for me and grew the run of that knowing I was going to hash most of it. All that Lemony Pledge Goodness will be golden delicious hassy good Medicine though so no tears, okay a few tears!