It's about unlocking what's in the soil, actinomycetes is a huge key,They are the link between fungi and bacteria. Soil mixes don't need to be complicated. A simple 30%peat,20%ewc/compost/mushroom compost and some type of areation with a lil top soil and green sand with rock phosphate to help with the recycle on the next runs. Then throw in some type of of meal ie. Crab,alfalfa,kelp with some guana and blood meal or whatever you want for your npk really. Oh and some lime to adjust and stablize ph and add cal-mag. It's about getting your plants to eat what the soil offers not just the food. Then feed with teas to super charge the microbes. Teaming with microbes, give it a read. Amazing book. Opened my eyes a lot.Yeah - how do you get roots so perfect and beefy? P and K, or mykos, or...?
I get roots like that, has nothing to do with straight coco, they are lacking proper chelates they need. Mycos are just a start of what is needed below the soil. Proper clean meds with no heavy metals.I did oragnic soil like that in the past...I never saw roots like i have seen from coco. I was incredibly die hard organics....and probably some day when I start doing outdoor I would go back to organic. But indoor, I have become a coco convert. I am being incredibly simple. I am using straight coco, using canna line up a+b rhizo and cal mg from GH. I been using a simple feed chart I printed off the canna site. Every time I transplant I add in a teaspoon of mycos at the bottom. I have not every seen the kind of growth in coco in soil. the plants have never looked healthier, and respond so fucking quick its crazy.
Yep! I'm getting ready to run some 2x6 beds at 10-12 plants a bed. I've been doing lots of reading and beds seem amazing, especially for a TLO stand point.Have had great results in the past with just FFOF, dol lime, blood meal, bone meal, kelp meal, epsome salts, and mycos,,,,,, then just guano teas. Worked a charm.
It's possible to grow a good plant in anything and by now and am I saying that coco isn't good but once you unlock the soil it's a whole different ball game.I'm running coco with Hese coir nutes, Hese P K Boost, Hese Power Clean (enzymes)
and MycoStim inoculant, silica, Calmag+ and the pics tell the tale.
View attachment 3360499 6 weeks, 1 week 12/12. Avg. height 40"....... no problem.