Club 600

Oh damn, I thought it was already in effect, maybe because I have a cali card they said I could go there or something, I was talking with a new dispensary last month, but I'm thinking now he meant med not rec woops :p
Yea Cali scripts are valid for 6 months in oregon. They will still verify the same way a cali club would, but shouldnt be to hard. The bigger struggle is finding bud at the dispensaries thats even worth buying. And I guarantee it wont be worth what they are asking. The medical scene is VERY disappointing when comparing the quality and price to cali. The "top shelf" at the eugene/springfield clubs is all 250+ an oz and wouldn't even qualify as mid grade in my opinion. usually fluffy, not flushed properly, immature buds, and the high usually doesn't last long.
That is disappointing papa, shit, what sucks is I always hear alot of cali reject weed goes to Oregon dispensers :/ that would make much sense, but I would think there is some damn good bud in Oregon too? Maybe Oregon vendors hate getting ripped off like cali growers don't seem to give a crap and take what they get :p

Combovers lol, I dunno, but I may get there soon at my hair depletion rates Dr. At
Yea money rules the world, sad truth. I know the Eugene police here in Oregon are deputized by DHS, have a fucking tank, full ballistic gear, hell most police forces are better equipped then I was in the middle east! Before I moved up from sac to theres an old air base that has been turned into a DHS facility that anyone that knows anything about tactics can take one look at and know its been retrofitted to serve as a mass detention facility. Its fucking scary how things are headed...all you have to do is look around to see the signs! I hope everyone has some sort of plan in case shit hits the fan! With everything happening in the US, martial law can be enacted now at any time, next time someone shoots a cop, next riot, anything. If you follow the military press as well, you know that part of the training now consists of asking soldiers if they would fire on civilains.

ok sorry, end rant!

Back to growing!

who out there has run deep blue x sour kush? Any tips? phenos to look for?

Stay free, stay high,

Plan is the swamp. Come fucking get me there;)

I made it guys safe and sound. Almost shitted myself when the boys pulled up beside me not cool can't believe he didn't see them as I had them covered with black plastic garbage bags. Haven't been that scared in my life. Girls are ok they took a lil rough trip. Went back way away from lots of street lights and saw no more police. Glad it's over. Now on to great things
Good to here it went well. I have done it twice now and never cool. First time was three and a half hours.
I know when I sold to dispensaries in cali it was always a hassel. Picky as fuck, perfect trim required, colas split off the stem, and always low-balled. When I vend in oregon they were practically drooling to get their hands on some of my stuff. Still not fair prices, but such is the name of the game, They want to make their profit and pay their overhead/taxes. I think oregon is one of the states its better to find a good grower or grow your own
Woops sorry Dr AT :P

yeah, it's rough sometimes in cali man , I want to boycott the low ballers so bad because it really isn't fair they say it's worth 2000 and then put it on their shelves for 50 an 1/8 :( guess that just biz though even though it's so screwed up, it is what it is
Does anyone in the 600 club have a comb over?
only on my toes:)

my best mate is a Hair Stylist (lmfao, hairdresser) but I must say a very good one. He refuses to cut peoples hair if they are unrealistic about their actual hair content. I.E many a combover customer has been rejected coming into his shop! I do get a giggle listening to some of his stories.....he can actually be quite rude (but tells me he's only telling the truth to them). So, if you got a comb over, time to get the trimmers out!