Club 600

lol Jig im the opposite. Playstation aim will just never stick. If i have a plus score in cod its cause im on a very good team.. Sux really bad..
PC im 1337. Old Counter Strike aim never fails :) Just need my win2k mouseacceleration installed.1:1
Its to the point people dont wanna play counter strike on lan :) Sad shit my comp is slowly dieing. Need a new graphics card and some fans to keep it cool. Would be great having a closed watercooled system.
Removed a few of the bigger fans today on the auto's to let light in. Bu
Looks like a phosphorous deficiency, but only on the fan leaves coming off the main stalk. First pic is lower fan, second is next set just starting this blotching. No other leaves anywhere in the tent have this. Any thoughts? Jacks Citrus FeEd, Dyna Gro Pro Tekt, little bit of epsom salts, and tap water for food.
View attachment 3326797 View attachment 3326798

Try raising ph of the solution jus a lil so the phosphorous is more abailable but that's all I can think of really
Careful what you wish for homie. It can get real dry up here. Especially when snow on the ground. All that hydro you got going on in the tent, along with a lot of plant mass, will prob offset the low RH though. Which is Awesome!

Dude I just got done reading that thread ur
talking about. I didn't even know it existed till now.
I'm dumbfounded! I love it when my plants are "praying". It has never turned into a negative issue. I always thought of that as a good thing myself. I wouldn't get upset, it seems most people weren't arguing with you.

Btw, those GG#4's(along with many many other flavors I got rite now)are praying as I type this:bigjoint:

I left my dehum off last night and the humidity went to 70% blah lol, going to have to keep using it i suppose, an extra 400w picking at my wallet lol. What's your humidity run bro? I've been trying to think of ways to drop mine with out using a ton of electric but it seems hopeless. And yeah... That thread... It's a jungle out there brotha :p I think I just put the thread to bed though, if my last post there isn't comprehendable then there isn't any hope in humanity :/