Club 600


Well-Known Member
Morning sunshine.....

Come on then!!!! Someone try and tell me vertical is not the way to be in a 1.2m squared cupboard!!!???? I DARE YOU!





Well-Known Member
thats my MH, I am running that 6 hours a day and it normally kicks in at midday, just when the sun is the strongest, then shuts off as the sun goes down....see how it goes on that regime.
HAHAHA that shit cracked me up :-)

So your vert has 3 bulbs? why is the one in the middle off? That first pic kicks ass...


Well-Known Member
Hi guys, I'm very new to this and for my 1st time, I'm growing a single plant(iced grapefruit) in my loft. I have a 600w HID light and using a DWC form of hydro. My plan is get exp growing this girl and make her into my mother. I started from seed and it has been 14 days and to be honest its only bout 2 inches tall with 4 fan leaves. Ive just started her 4 days ago on 1/3 strenght nutes and my ph is 6. Seems to be a good root system. Ventilation is good. Light cycle is 20/4. Any ideas why she is so small???(compared to other hydro grows I've seen on the net)


Well-Known Member
I had a discussion with my Old Man yesterday about kids, he has a 10 year old son now and lives in Oz. The wee guy gets run around by the Old Man like god only knows, I was kinda brought up in a single parent house until my old dear got another man (a great one may I add! RIP) However, I spent my life wandering around Scotland before I was even a teenager, with my mates. I use to go midweek to cities all over Scotland to watch midweek football, at the age of 11! Of course my Old Dear knew I was going. Nowadays it seems like kids in some societies can not even go out and play on there own anymore, everything is organised by adults. He said he was talking with some of my half brother school mates fathers about when they would let their sons go to school on their own, none of them felt comfortable with it at all!! It's a sad fekking day I tell you, and it makes me very sad to see what the Media in this world has done to peoples minds. Where the fuk did everyones common sense go? My Old Mans OZ wife, was going on in the background about Child Abductors and all that, I mean come on, are there really that many creepies hanging around waiting to snatch our kids? I see kids of all ages cycling around the City of Amsterdam on there own! It's an example to be followed, with the Netherlands actually being the number one countyr to bring your children up in. Sorry for spamming you guys with my thoughts, just a good place to share em.
Anyway, I thought this song was quite apt...peeps from the UK will remember the cat, haha


Well-Known Member
hey supersillybilly, shows us some pics, could be that it's just a slow starter, genetics, many things can effect initial growth...hopefully not bugs or mites. Anyway, throw up a pic and someone will help. Welcome to the 600!!!
Hi guys, I'm very new to this and for my 1st time, I'm growing a single plant(iced grapefruit) in my loft. I have a 600w HID light and using a DWC form of hydro. My plan is get exp growing this girl and make her into my mother. I started from seed and it has been 14 days and to be honest its only bout 2 inches tall with 4 fan leaves. Ive just started her 4 days ago on 1/3 strenght nutes and my ph is 6. Seems to be a good root system. Ventilation is good. Light cycle is 20/4. Any ideas why she is so small???(compared to other hydro grows I've seen on the net)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
just want to say thanks for all the good vibes peeps, and let this be a warning to all if your using a magnetic ballast! chock them up!

i remember seeing a thread about it years ago with someone posting pics a lot like mine and thinking shit i never want that to happen.

cracking buds whodat, and D your garden looks swell man! lovin the early prodigy man. one of my faves of theres. from an era when men were men and raves were week long hahah

anyone got any tips on how to get the smell of burn plastic out of furnishings?


Well-Known Member
will get pic as soon as I find (prob need to buy) the damm connection for the camera. I stay in the west of scotland and my lofts a bit chilly. Thinking of getting a 400w halegon heater and putting it on 15mins every hour.


Well-Known Member
will get pic as soon as I find (prob need to buy) the damm connection for the camera. I stay in the west of scotland and my lofts a bit chilly. Thinking of getting a 400w halegon heater and putting it on 15mins every hour.
Perhaps just try covering it with something when the lights are off. How close have you got the light at the moment?


Well-Known Member
the light is about 18 inches m8. Ive got a plastic cover for the dwc shall I use it when its dark
Sounds perfect bru! I was gonna say, do you have frame or anything built around the unit? If not, a few bits of 2x4 and some panda sheeting (black/white sheeting) I guess you run the lights at night for temps? It's gonna get cold up there even during the day I would say so either that or pay money for the heat I guess. Anyway, I am sure a few opinions will arise when you get a pic up.


Well-Known Member
I don't have a frame built but I do think its a must. Get paid on the 28th so new additions to the room will be added. 1. will build a frame. 2. will get heater with thermostat. connection for camera. lol. Cheers m8


Well-Known Member
no worries. Look forward to seeing some West Coast Weed, lol. I lived in Glasgows EastEnd for about 10 years so I am almost half soap dodger, haha.
I don't have a frame built but I do think its a must. Get paid on the 28th so new additions to the room will be added. 1. will build a frame. 2. will get heater with thermostat. connection for camera. lol. Cheers m8

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
and yes, sorry, on the first plant which I haven't topped, it's covered in little pistils with hairs which I'm happy about.
I'm guessing if you can see pistils on one and not balls on the other, the other is probably a female also.

DGT, glad to hear all you have to replace is a ballast. I am concerned about fire hazard and had already planned on building an extinguisher system for my grow. Now I think I will add some fire retardant material underneath my ballast as well. My biggest concern is that my new hobby would burn down my house.
The first thing I did before I started using hid equipment is have a new 200 amp service installed with a new panel and I ran two 20 amp lines into the grow room that are only for the grow room...and now I am so happy I took that precaution. My house is old and has the original wiring, that does not concern me as much as the old original service did. As another precaution, I bought a CAP fifteen minute delay timer so if the power is interrupted the lights won't try to kick on when hot. It basically prevents your lights from trying to hot start. Just another precaution.

Genuity alright my man. Looking massive and elegant all at once. Beautiful plants bro.
Genuity, I was starting to get a bit concerned. You OK? You haven't been around for a bit. I guess things must be OK, you're still growin'...and quite nicely.

Whodat, Nice! So nice I think I'll take my morning medicine now.

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Question. For those who can get clones legally, what do you guys pay for a clone?

Another question. I'm looking for a new carbon filter. I am looking at phat filters, carbonaire and phresh...anyone have any experience with any of them? I am really lookin' hard at that phresh filter but it's about one hundred ninety american.

Masonman, what did the shipping cost you with that eight inch filter?


Well-Known Member
Question. For those who can get clones legally, what do you guys pay for a clone?

Another question. I'm looking for a new carbon filter. I am looking at phat filters, carbonaire and phresh...anyone have any experience with any of them? I am really lookin' hard at that phresh filter but it's about one hundred ninety american.

Masonman, what did the shipping cost you with that eight inch filter?
I got a 6" mountain air filter not the cheapest but good has given me piece of mind for over a year so far should last 2-3 years before i fitted it the whole street could smell my grow