Club 600


Well-Known Member
Alpha you know I'm big on natural meds so here's my script for you.
Get yourself some Lavender Oil capsules and take 1 or 2 every night and see how they work.
I use 80mg. at a time during the day and 160mg. at night before bed.
Any good health food or wellness store should have it.
@jimmer this might help the GF also.
Thanks again old man. This reminded me of when I worked at whole foods people swore by New Chapter: holy basil, I think that's right. People would come in for it when they ran out of benzo's. I'm gonna check it out seeing as I just went through literal hell getting off of klonapin! And I'm a "recovering" alcoholic (same receptors). I'm gonna try out your recommendations also.

Benzo's...I don't even know what to say. But they do work...thanks again club 600. P.s. Cloudy trichs! :)!:)


Well-Known Member
Thanks again old man. This reminded me of when I worked at whole foods people swore by New Chapter: holy basil, I think that's right. People would come in for it when they ran out of benzo's. I'm gonna check it out seeing as I just went through literal hell getting off of klonapin! And I'm a "recovering" alcoholic (same receptors). I'm gonna try out your recommendations also.

Benzo's...I don't even know what to say. But they do work...thanks again club 600. P.s. Cloudy trichs! :)!:)
I'm getting off oxycodone, believe me lavender helps.
Good luck, any advice I can help with just ask.


Well-Known Member
High, right back :)
Got a tester vape home today. Does herb and concentrate. Cant get the batteri to work,lol. Think its broken and wont charge.. (Text: Keep Christiania and YOU CAN NOT KILL US(Slogan))
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Drawing of my room in the garage as im gonna build it. Do you see any problems or things i should do otherwise.( Yes i do see i can fit 4x600) :P
Like the 1.5meter footprint-Would it be smarter having 1.2 and then 0.6 meter for storage? :)
Any input appreciated.
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I think the 1.2 meter footprint would be better, a lot more density in the flowers.


Well-Known Member
Oldman is a good man.

Now I really need to get these ladies transplanted. Things are starting pick up around here.


Clones looking good, yay that's good. Need to replace the carbon filter here soon.

Who wants a laugh? Auto fail! Never again! 3.5 g after the dry!


Well-Known Member
That's still good man! I lose at least 80% of the weight when it's all dried and cured for a few weeks. Takes me 5000 wet grams to get a kilo, weighing wet I can usually come close to dry wield by using the 20% method. Sometimes it's much more but never much less.
I put a rh meter in them and i was wrong I will loose 25%. still will be a bit over 4lbs. I cant complain as i am a rookie. Yes I have so much to learn and this is why i run all over on the forums listening to the ones who really know this plant. I will be a master but that is a long long time away. Thank all of you for sharing. Thank god i can understand and sort what needs to be done.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
You got the knack for it giggles. I wish I could Grow in soil like you, my karma's og seedlings are just pitiful..... I just repotted them but they are three weeks old and look like this.. There's my thumb for reference, don't laugh lol. They look over watered but they are dry as a bone when I water, only 30ml per cup every 2-3 days.. I really hope it's just from being root bound but they are the smallest I've seen to root bound if that's the case. And this plant has a complete lockout, been like this for a week.. Gotta take a clone of it from a veg plant in the tent before I flower or it'll be gone forever :( I'm gonna get trying soil though, maybe one day I'll figure it out :p



Well-Known Member
hey guys im new too the club 600.I grow for me and my mom,and im having a problem ill get to that in a min. My mom suffers from sorousuos of the liver and i got my medical card my mom does too. I suffer from PDSD,ANXIETY, DEPPRESION,HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, AND A FEW MORE THINGS I CANT REMEMBER,REALLY BAD MEMORY.:confused: I have an Apollo horticulture tent (96"*48"*80") 2 600 watt open hood with dimmable ballasts also apollo.Using roots organic for soil mixed with 30% clay balls. For nutrients im using the whole line of general organics for veg. i follow the instructions on the box im currently growing bubble bomb and strawberry kush. bubble bomb looks great they are in 3 gallon pots vegged for one month now the strawberrys are not doing so good started week 5 yesterday and the strawberry kush is yellowing way to much way to early!
they look like some heavy feeders.I already added 3ml of grow along with my 10ml bloom,5ml bio bud and 5ml cal/mag per gallon just one time like a week ago after asking many ?'s they are in 2 5gallon smart pots yellowing from bottom up.One light is running at 75% and one at 50% 775watts for now till it gets a bit colder then ill bring them up to 100% temps stay between 77/82 degrees and rh is between 20/30 i run a carbon filter with 440cfm i have it in the tent on the floor venting straight up and out the top of the tent.I know its hard to see the pics with the hps on.but im going to try and get better pics later with an mh bulb. I think it stopped but cant tell there was already lots of affectted leaves.
ive been reading along with 600 club and u guys are the best. I know that if someone can help they will.
I would appreciate any feedback.

3rd grow under my belt



Well-Known Member
I have a question.
I am trying to get some SLH beans, and cant find any place that will send it to the U.S.
Anyone know where I can buy them?
Had a nice SLH pheno on the ECSDH from Connisseur Genetics. Otherwise I believe Greenhouse Seeds makes a SLH. Strainhunters seeds makes one called White Lemon. All 3 should be on both Herbies pick n mix and attitude. Seems like Connisseur Genetics has some good hazes in their stable. Both the Greatful Casey and ECSDH (3 different phenos) grew to be what I considered tall. Only vegged until about 18 inches and they all finished 4+ feet tall.


Well-Known Member
That's still good man! I lose at least 80% of the weight when it's all dried and cured for a few weeks. Takes me 5000 wet grams to get a kilo, weighing wet I can usually come close to dry wield by using the 20% method. Sometimes it's much more but never much less.
I should have said it better. I boiled the roots and let it dry allot on the plant. I lost around 55-60% water weight doing that. now i have to slowly take down the other 20-25%. I forgot to close my jars last night as i passed out. I put the lids back on and am gonna let them even out them put thme into a big jar with rh meter to see where they are at. I may have taken them down to far with the ones that didnt have 62 rh packs in them.