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Masonman, after dicking with mylar I still say matte or flat white paint is damn near as reflective and not nearly the hassle of mylar...that's just my two cents on the subject. As far as legally, zero legally. It becomes federal over twenty five with a minimum jail sentence of five years.

ghb, I've been looking at cool mist humidifiers online. I noticed one in walmart a few weeks ago but didn't take the time to see what it does. I think I'm going to give one a try, I think I can get one under thirty bucks and if it raises my humidity especially with both lights burning, I'll be happy.

Hotsause, letting dead leaves sit in your soil is a magnet for pests. I try to take dead or dying leaves off at all times. Being the dr frankenstein I sometimes feel I am, I have another experiment going with my mothers. They are a few days over three weeks old, I removed four of the larger fan leaves from each plant to expose all the interior growth. I know it's a mortal sin and I'll probably go to hell for it, but the way I see it, I also probably have a ticket reserved for me. I plan on doing nothing with these plants except to take cuttings, so why not give the perspective donors more light? Hopefully while taking cuttings it will also serve to top those branches and produce more future cuttings. As I've said this is all a first for me, I have done no cloning other than accidentally breaking a stem here and there. My dog Puff is starting to outgrow the others in the litter and the grape apes are going wild. I'll post weekly updates of that experiment as it progresses.

Here's my prospective mothers after a trim and the headband before and after.

Edit...the one on the right is the og18, she is much more stretchy than the headband even at this early age. You can see how tightly the nodes on the headband are compared to the og.



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I'll be posting these in my grow too but just had to share. I've got a couple frosty ladies in there and the bud porn is of my other SLH plant (7weeks into flower).

I thought I'd share the stretch that's going on with the Raspberry Cough too. One pic in particular shows the plant in the far corner of the room and it's almost doubled in size already. One other RC plant is already showing female preflowers and it has only been 4-5 days.



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You aint shittin. Mylar is a bitch to hang solo. Ive done this particular room 3 times now. The plants do really seem to like it. It reflects the light like a mofo to a blinding point.
i like using pand film, very reflective, and much cheaper and thicker, and easy to set up, you can also use it to cover the floors


Well-Known Member
i like using pand film, very reflective, and much cheaper and thicker, and easy to set up, you can also use it to cover the floors
I use Panda film in the flower room with a zipper to make sure I have no light leaks but recently put Mylar in there too since after expanding the room the Panda film didn't cover everything anymore.

I wrapped some foam insulation boards with the mylar and held it in place with duct tape on the backside. Then you just attach the pieces to the walls with whatever you desire. It was much easier than trying to hang the mylar.


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Hey peeps, busy last night in the Six-hunner i see!!!

Hanging anything is a real pain in the arse, everything that I have hung always ends up slightly squint, haha. I kind of done what decrazer done, I made a frame for my panda door and attached the panda sheet to that, then attached the frame to the back of the door. Otherwise I would have had a squint panda door, haha.

Ok, was thinking of the fan leaf removal. One way to find out would be to remove the fans from one bud site and leave them on another. The bud sites would need to be at equal heights on the plant or it wouldn't work. Plants do not have some sort of super complex operating system, they use cells like all living things. Gravity is whats at play when delivering nutrients and energy to the plant. The plant will deliver max energy to the top of the plant since that is where the max light will be penetrating, and where the plant has the most success of creating seed and continuing its genetic existence. Hence why you get a big cola. If you scrog or LST or super crop, big colas are evened out, due to GRAVITY. After some time growing I really think removing fan leaves is not that great an idea. If you want your buds on the lower part of your plant to get bigger, then level them off with the other buds (i.e scrog) otherwise I don't see how it will benefit....I love to be proven wrong though. And in the scheme of things, remving a few leaves probably is not something in % that we as humans would even notice!

Ok, DOG clarification for the umpteenth time, lol
Female Headband with a male flower spluffed on an OG Kush. (OG Kush was from DNA genetics, as was the Headband) This has produced seeds that should create females. If you get males nanners (which I have found a couple) then I am not surprised. The chemdog linneage that DNA used is notorious for throwing out Herms. So far I have grown out about half a dozen DOG's, and have had a couple of different phenos. Most lean toward the OG kush which if they are you will see a lot more stretch on thsoe phenos. The branches similar to the OG will be very viney and for best results I just bend and twist mine all over the place...combo of Fimming, LST and Supercropping to create as many bud sites as possible. I beleive this pheno would also be very good for SCROG. Ther eis a slightly shorter pheno that I have seen and this is also very tasty indeed. It had both the old school flavour of the OG, sweet and slightly mouldy tasting like a mature cheese, as well as the odd stink armpit smell of the HB. She was actually the best one I have had. The pheno's I seem to have on the go are more OG style.

Unfortunately I do not have many seeds left of this so hopefully one of us will keep the strain going in some form. I will always keep a few seeds back. I didn't clone anything from the last run but have one clone from this lot.

Have a good day people.


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I agree with you DST about DNA's genetics. The lemon skunks I just chopped were from DNA seeds from a grow from last year. It produced seeds. Every seed I've grown from those seeds has come up female but also has some seeds in it here and there. Funny thing is even knowing that, I have yet to find a male flower and I look for them but never find any. The two tops and a few side branches are still drying but so far I have two and a half ounces in jars curing, the rest will probably go into jars tonight. I think I've finally finished with the container size experiments. In the future when I'm looking to grow full size plants I'll be using my three gallon waste paper baskets, just like the ones masonman is using in his current pictures...wally world specials. Can't beat them for three bucks a pop. I'm not a big fan of growing tall plants, I feel too much light is wasted by never reaching the bottom of the plant and why grow a four foot plant to remove the bottom foot and a half?

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Back to the fan leaf issue. After removing four fan leaves from each plant yesterday afternoon, I swear the side branches have grown a half inch since yesterday on the og18. I'm hoping when I top her to get five clones from her. I'll remove the two lowest branches for clones and then the top and if the side branches under it have grown enough over the next few days I'll get two more from those. The headband x cali-o is a different story. Her nodes are tight. When I top her it appears I'll get the top only to clone, no side branching under the top, sooo, I'll remove four of the bottom branches to clone and this will also open up the bottom of the plant for more air circulation. That should give me ten cuttings. I'll put nine into the cloner and one I'm just going to dip in cloning powder and put it into a cup of soil in the tent and see the difference between the two methods.

Edit...I suspect I'll have about five gallons of water in my cloner. To that I'm going to add a tablespoon of 9-3-6 and a tablespoon of 10-30-20 or I might even use tiger bloom with its higher P. I have a ten gallon tote for my cloner which will sit inside of a thirty gallon tote to catch any leakage that might occur. I'm figuring it should be no longer than two weeks to take root. Should I put some hydrogen peroxide in the water as well and if so, how much?


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HeadsUp, when you next harvest one of your DNA plants, and you do find a seed, look very carefully through the bud that you found the seed in. What you basically will find in that bud is a male flower squashed between the calyxes. I have found them before! It's almost like the male flower appears too late and is smothered by the fast growing calyx, which in turn means only a tiny amount of pollen will be released. If you find a flower, check it out, open it up, there's still pollen in it!!!
Hope you are feeling better today!



Well-Known Member
HeadsUp, when you next harvest one of your DNA plants, and you do find a seed, look very carefully through the bud that you found the seed in. What you basically will find in that bud is a male flower squashed between the calyxes. I have found them before! It's almost like the male flower appears too late and is smothered by the fast growing calyx, which in turn means only a tiny amount of pollen will be released. If you find a flower, check it out, open it up, there's still pollen in it!!!
Hope you are feeling better today!

Thats for that info DST im guessing thats how my Clones from my first run Popped a few beans. Out of all my Bud i found 1-2 seeds from both.


Well-Known Member
Thats for that info DST im guessing thats how my Clones from my first run Popped a few beans. Out of all my Bud i found 1-2 seeds from both.
that's probably how it happened HS. Feminized plants are basically hermied plants is all, and with the amount of Fem genes a lot of strains will have those tendencies. As long as you are on top of it I don't see it being an issue.

Upstairs Downstairs




jst been out and bought some big bud so here's a pic of a couple o buds and al put up a pic of the same 2 next week


both r barneys farm blue cheese anybody growing bb bubble cheese as mines dont look like yeilding anymore than a few gram into the 4th week o 12/12

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It gets my blood to boiling after I write a long something only to have RIU tell me I've timed out and I can't post the blasted thing.

55, it takes about three weeks or so for a plant to transition from veg into full bloom. Let's see what ya' got in another two weeks.

I was writing about environment and how important it is to your plants. So before I time out again I'll try to get it in with several goes.

Grow more females from seeds

Environmental factors start influencing sex the moment the seedling has three pairs of true leaves, not counting cotyledons. Environmental factors that influence sex determination of cannabis include but are not limited to:


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Increasing the level of nitrogen makes more female plants. Increase the level of potassium to increase male tendencies; lowering the potassium level encourages female plants. A higher nitrogen level and a lower potassium level for the first two weeks increases females. Low temperatures increase the number of female plants, warm temperatures make more male plants. High humidity increases the number of female plants, low humidity, more males. Low growing medium moisture increases males. More blue light, females, more red, male tendencies. Fewer hours of daylight increases females, fourteen hours. Longer days, eighteen hours, more males.


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Stress. Any environmental stress tends to yield more male plants when growing from seed.

This information is from Henk, the owner of Dutch Passion Seeds from his archives and reproduced in Jorge Cervantes' Marijuana Horticulture, the indoor/outdoor medical growers bible.