I love dairy Queen, we had them all over in NY, also had dunkin donuts, haven't seen either here in CA though.
Those leds really interest me but seem so expensive to buy, but I'd imagine you recoop the extra money with the low electricity costs. They seem like they would be great for veg.
I had minor clear slime on a couple of my cuttings in my bubble cloner, so yesterday Idid a recon to fix the problem, I put the cloner in the dishwasher, ran hot water and bleach through the water/air pump and let the clones sit in a mix of h2o2 and water to disinfect, then I recut all the stems and cut all the roots off. I figure if they died I could take new cuttings, but I didn't want to waste the slimed ones if I could save them, since the stems weren't mushy and they look completely healthy.
They looked like crap all day yesterday, but today they perked back up, I think I saved them

I also had a new pack of funny colored neoprene pucks, figured might better use them to make sure I have every angle new and disinfected
Hope everyone had a awesome weekend.