Club 600

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
belated birthday wishes Who! hope it was a good one!

cof that Nibiru looks damn fine. looks real frosty and swollen. you letting it go much longer?

lazy sunday today. double wake n bake. fireballs then psycho. all kinds of melting into the sofa.


Well-Known Member
We took our yin to the zoo a couple months back. Wife had the feelings you do, I'm from San Diego, and our zoo is quite nice. Animals still in bins, but they are quite nice bins. And lovely weather. I think the animals in our zoo are somewhat content. Well not really... but it don't bother me too much. Much worse treatment of animals by pet owners every day. Not to mention places where they could give a shit about animals. I tease wife and say if you felt that strongly about animals being treated fairly you wouldn't support the meat industry.

Baby girl liked the grizzly bear the most. Was about the only animal she cared much about.

I got our girl a big bouncy ball to play with... also put the football in her area as we've been watching a lot. She hasn't paid the football one cent of attention. haha


Well-Known Member
you have to get that out of your head, we are humans rulers of the planet, animals are here for our service and if it wasn't for zoo's the common man would probably never even know these animals exist, poor them they got caught, if it ws in the wild they would have been eaten or worse. if somebody eats meat but hates zoo's then yes they are a major hypocrite, these animals get much better treatment than your mcdonalds burger ever did.

i feel a lot worse for humans being stuck in jail.

rant over. :D


Well-Known Member
nice combo don, bbq weather here, might indulge in meats!.

i have 4 lil nugs of blue pit then i'm out til mid week :(


Well-Known Member
I have some dogs to harvest my self today. I started 1 this morning and realized my GF had to go to graduation for her school this afternoon. So I'm waiting tell she leaves for smell reasons. Here's the 1 I did do.007.JPG 003.JPG And now some tomato plant pron, growing where in the same spots I planted my outside girls last year.008.JPG 009.JPG


Well-Known Member
don't tell me whodat's only 27?! or was his bday the 27th? fuck me im confused.

just harvested two enormous plants, i chopped them (sawed them!) at the base and hung whole leaves and all, i've never tried it but know a few who have, just didn't have the drive to chopethem wet, way tooo much work.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the bday wishes gang, I sure do miss all the shenanigans and characters in here.

Iv missed a quite a bit but it seems as if everyone and their mini-thems are doing well :-)

Yeah I'm only 3 steps away from 30 now time to get my shit together!



Well-Known Member
And by get my shit together I mean get to growing and breeding lots of dank!

The choppers are out in force today and flying real low like,,, I'm gonna file a noise complant! The OD plants arnt even close to harvest yet!,,, though driving around I smell all kinds of dank growing/blowing in the wind.