Club 600


Well-Known Member
I might as well be a new member.

All I got from the lost period was that Who is moving to Humboldt.
(this was Mecca for us Who. I personally drove one of the trips)

I hope that all are well.



Well-Known Member
I'm just unsure to why they look like that have turned my idle speeds down and put one circulation fan on a timer so just runs when lights on and the other running 24/7


Well-Known Member
Nice goji, wish it was a bigger resolution though. I'm running a goji right now, hit a female on 5 reg seeds:cuss:.

Just upgraded to a 600w finally aswel, that's why im here. What kind of yield increase should i expect compared to my 400? +25%?
Thx but you see all the flaws in big res :P (Was tryin out different image sites, imgur seems to be my favorite)
If u made 400gram on a 400 i think youll make 600 on a 600 :)

And the FREAKY part again.


Well-Known Member
I added a camera to my room so I can keep dibs while I'm in Atlanta. The wife isn't supposed to water till Wednesday but I needed to keep an eye out for wilting just in case! Yes she can kill a plant in a week on her own. IR for quick peeps during lights out. image.jpg