Club 600


Well-Known Member
haha, i do the same too often. ( dinner and stay up crashing on the couch ) This young lad of mine come's through at night out his bed saying " I want to come to daddy's room "
Now his new thing is to get up around 6-6:30, bairn's eh mate!


Well-Known Member
Me n the wife came up to San Francisco for the valentine weekend. Still here ATM. We went to Alcatraz today, pretty cool tour. I hit up a shop called the bloom room. Nicest dispensary I'd say I've been in, although not the biggest. I complimented the guy on a nice place and told him I was from so cal and he was like yeah we have some nice ones here but you fuckers got 100's down there! I said yeah I guess u got me there.

We're leaving tomorrow so I just picked up a brownie and a joint. I fully intended on partaking on that brownie with my wife and I made the mistake of letting her go first cuz I wants to go eat first. She ate half and 40 min later said she was really high. We came back to the hotel and I was still gonna join her and she actually talked me out of it! She smokes less than I yet still has a stronger tolerance than I do and I trusted her judgement when she said it would get me way too high! So I just got to live vicariously through her. Even she was too high and popped an Ativan, once it kicked in she fuckin passed out so that's where I'm at now :)

it it will be 3 days since I saw my plants by the time we get home, I'm sure they miss me a lot! I'll look to upload some trip pics when I get time tomorrow.
hey chaka used to live about 15 minutes from the wharf and one of my fondest memories is taking the fairy over with my madre for the alcatraz tour..

the whole wharf is actually a good time for those who have never been.

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
nice colours cof, looks HB dom, looks bloody lovely. hows she hit or is this a 1st outing?
She will take your head off.
I had a batch of bad soil that cost me several of my mother plants and I've been without her while I made another. This is the first full run from a new mother......but clones sure are slow to root.



Well-Known Member
I'm back!!!
5,000 posts ! ! !
(I know: big deal)
Staying away from here is worse than quitting cigs!
Too much awesome pR0n in the last couple of days to properly mention so I'll just yell: "WOW!!!!!"

So, for my official 5,000th post, I made this little movie for you all, hope you enjoy:


And, if not, here's something no one can hate:


Thanks for putting up with my horrible puns, bad jokes, and ocassional moodines, and un-ending off-topic posts!
You ready for the next 5,000!?!?!?

Love you guys!!!



Well-Known Member
right on doobie;-) hope all had a nice vday no butty for me ether D be a few days. love the cards jig. cof that is great looking i put 5 of my dogs in flower last night. keep the two stocky ones in veg for now.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, doc :-)

I was going to record a bass cover video, too, but sliced open the end of my left thumb while getting frisky cutting some drywall yesterday, so playing my bass was out of the question.

Well, I'm off to get a couple more plumbing parts so I can finish installing a disposal under the kitchen sink (My V-day gift to the wife. Super duper romantical, eh?).


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;ZB1KZueNQsY][/video]all you BD talk that you would find this funny. try not to kill your self on that house of yours doobie