Club 600


Well-Known Member
You could see the "weeds" starting to take over between the rows, they must have covered them later on or something. In the veggie garden I use hay for mulching, the soil gobbles it up in the end adding more organic matter. A permeable mulch may have kept it too humid in there maybe? IDK i gotta get my greenhouse game up!


Well-Known Member
Are they using CO2?
I dont think so MO, would be quite wasteful with all the venting going on.... Well they are technically using co2 :eyesmoke: not augmenting it I believe.

Sorry about all the multi posting lately,,, every time I go to edit a post I have to go through a set of captcha things... :-(


Dudes i'am one big dilemma I think in the future if i harvest the plant in next two or trhee monts. Now I will explain why.I have a neighbor who works for the federal.we live house against house.he's my friend about seven or eight years Note this works for the cops he does have tattoos but he makes tattoos becouse have three kids this man is amazing friend dude.He catch many people like me in our city so my thought is it worth to get involved in that notlegal business ? :) Sorry for bad englesh google is not good translate ....


Well-Known Member
This is a dilemma that only you yourself can sort out. As your plants grow bigger YOU WILL NEED TO FILTER THE AIR, if you do not your friend will most likely smell it next door anyway. Even with air filtration, if you are growing in your house there will be a hint of a smell unless your set up is spot on. So, do you want to loose this friend? Is he more important than growing a bit of weed? You could always try to find out what he would do if he came across a friend with weed? Either way, it's your decision only. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Indeed, a very professional template:)
How did I miss the Chaka movie!? That was very professional!
And Urban, I know what you mean, getting rid of Mary is a hard one......I guess it depends on the situation and the person. Where do we draw the line.......wifes, husbands, girlfriends, partners, children???? I know for one thing, if it was a neighbour then bore off neighbour:)


Well-Known Member
I quit when my children were wee ones. Started back up when the youngest turned 21 :) I found a couple of moments in between where it was OK!


Well-Known Member
Howdy doody folk's, what's the topic today! To grow or not to grow. Ive had alot of that over the year's and one thing ive continually noticed is when your doing away, stopping doesn't seem a big deal, its a few months down the line and not even the money or available good's that the whole prob. You actually miss it and think wtf did i do that for.
Theres a fine line with the kid's around, ( well call it a GREY AREA ) but friend's should understand nowaday's even if they'r non smoker's.
Just my 2 bob's worth


Well-Known Member
okydoky, keep me posted on sms....will need to introduce you to the Brouwerij! Get you mellowed out and giggly on some 8% triple distilled beer, with some bong chasers:)

frikkin mites are back with avengance, clones, veg cupboard, flower room....luckily at the start of flower so it's all out war with the nastiest shit I can find.


Well-Known Member
Brouwerij, i'll need to google that haha but got a clue, sound's like a plan mate! Its been a while since i was over, and with the tolerance being as low as it is likely to get messy!

That'll be the bug's coming in from the cold


Well-Known Member
If I close my eyes and dream really big my shed turns into that greenhouse, then I wake up!

I decided to pop some Deep psychosis the sativa seeds I have to go with my clones next run. I do think I'm keeping 1 of the bp clones out and see if I can't get a monster from it outside.