Club 600

I fixed my s/d card port finally. Here's my 2 600's full of bb gear. 8 dogs, 4 bp, 3 pk, 4 dpq. I will be taking better pics tomorrow when I transplant.005.jpg004.jpg
That does not look like keif.. Looks like ground up bud :)
Mojn.. Ive had 4 hours of sleep, feelin a bit sleepy and soon ill be pickin up my nephew. Hes sick so im babysitting today. Hope he is not too sick and whiny.. Breaks my heart. Worst thing is he will only watch telefuckingtubbies! Ah they make me sick, lol. Dunno why but i just cant stand that telletubbie thing. Nah should watch some Silver Fang! Could pop it on and watch the next 5 hours lol and hes son is called weed! :)
Dem stickers be pricey holmes!!!! :)
How much are they? I saw the washing machine they have, same as the one I got but $100+ more for the sticker lol.

On it and on it!

That does not look like keif.. Looks like ground up bud :)
Mojn.. Ive had 4 hours of sleep, feelin a bit sleepy and soon ill be pickin up my nephew. Hes sick so im babysitting today. Hope he is not too sick and whiny.. Breaks my heart. Worst thing is he will only watch telefuckingtubbies! Ah they make me sick, lol. Dunno why but i just cant stand that telletubbie thing. Nah should watch some Silver Fang! Could pop it on and watch the next 5 hours lol and hes son is called weed! :)

I thought giggles had maybe done what I frequently do in the dark rolling joints, put the bloody paper the wrong way round and lick the wrong side....grrrr. Just when you think your j is perfect is starts to unravel. So you then empty the cylinder of rolled weed into another paper and start again...i thought it was rolled up bud in a cylinder shape. Anyway, moving on, funny about the temperature chat, I watched "the day after tomorrow! last night...dudes being frozen stiff with their gobs open wide, brrrrrrr.

Cold here tody as well, it's currently 3 Degrees:)>>>
[youtube]T6fVDAjs9f0[/youtube] - morning tune, lol.
Fuk me that's brass monkeys mate.

Well, minus the 5000ft(?) elevation, you loose (it's a handicaped race:)) plus it's damp and raining here, so ne-ne-ne-ne-ne-ne.

Just back from the wee lads second lot of vaccinations:( took it like a champ.
When I placed my 1st order of BB gear last week I wasn't expecting to receive any freebies. My confirmation email said I will be receiving sour kush x deep blue. My question is how many freebies do they usually give? Hopefully its at least 2 since they are regular seeds.
It will be. :0)

Thanks for the link Mo. I have been paying attention to Frenchy....
...this is why I want to find my bags!

I want to ree-leese zee Tree-Combs!
