Club 600


Well-Known Member
When you refer to the cup are you talking about the one in Amsterdam this weekend!?

If not, which cup?

I would like to go to my first this year..well 2013/14, I see there is LA, denver, san fran, and seattle, are all independent cups/contest, or more like a tour of cannabis cup through different cities?


yeah i meant the cannabis cup in amsterdam this week


Well-Known Member
They are all excuses for High Times to make a lot of money and for stoners to gather in one city and smoke. It's a beautiful thing actually... the gathering of MJ lovers. We are usually hiding in the back, really cool to be surrounded by them. And you know they aren't just people who want to smoke your stash, they are peeps who cared enough to save up for a flight and hotel.


Well-Known Member
Sounds just great to me..

See i came up and still do in a place that i have to be secretive about what i do, be nice to feel the freedom for an event...

Very nice to meet others interested in the same things i am, and don't have to lie or hide it lol



Well-Known Member
Sounds just great to me..

See i came up and still do in a place that i have to be secretive about what i do, be nice to feel the freedom for an event...

Very nice to meet others interested in the same things i am, and don't have to lie or hide it lol

i know the feeling mate, dont think they will ever legalize it in the uk....well not in my life time anyway

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I would love to go to a Denver or Canada event. Pretty sure the hubby would let me go too. Wish they would have one near me tho, as I am a scrooge with the money spent on things for myself.


Well-Known Member
For new years I think i'm going to treat myself to a trip to Colorado, I never been always wanted to. The mountains, scenery, and wildlife must be great, i would stay in a less populated area , as i'm not for touristy stuff, and crowds of people lol. love nature

Oh yeah and theres that recreational thing too happening january first right?????!??!!! lol



Well-Known Member
They are all excuses for High Times to make a lot of money and for stoners to gather in one city and smoke. It's a beautiful thing actually... the gathering of MJ lovers. We are usually hiding in the back, really cool to be surrounded by them. And you know they aren't just people who want to smoke your stash, they are peeps who cared enough to save up for a flight and hotel.
Perfectly put! ++++rep


Well-Known Member
Pretty are ll make it to the cup in Denver on 4/20 hope I meet some fellow riu ers there me and my crew are planning a road trip from east coast


Well-Known Member
That's my fav shop over there. They carry sick strains, loads of DNA and cali stuff which is shit hot. The quality in the grey area is amazing. So small though.


Well-Known Member
Morning folks. She broke the bong.. Again. She hit it with the ashtray. How movement retarded can one be? Fårk Ive been searching all over for a replacement but ill have to order it online and wait :( There is a new headshop in town. They got all sorts of glass but they are all with perc's.
Cheap Glass
I dont wanna wait 7-8days on a new roor. So i think ill just buy one of these. Then ill maybe buy the vaporizer they have too :) But cant find any info or reportings on it.

Any suggestions appreciated!


Well-Known Member
morning 6 and gp sorry to see those pics amazing some of the punishment i have had pieces take only to break in strange ways.

My girl is about to order one of the minivaped v2 for me.


Well-Known Member
hydro, i'm sorry to say it but even with the best of intentions a vaporiser can't, and will never be able replace a bong!

do what i do and buy cheap glass, they all break the same whether they cost 20 or 200, being the stoners we are they never tend to stay around long anyway. i mean fuck, i don't even clean my bongs any more, i use them til they get tired then treat myself to a new one, if it is a really special one i might change the water now and then but that is as far as i go. i don't even like my roor, it hasn't been used for along time, i'm more into my micro bongs at the minute, perfect for sitting down and chilling with.

if you want a vape i would also buy a cheap bong too, just incase the vape doesn't quite deliver that hit you are after.


Well-Known Member
bongs all the way haha and as for cleaning ghb i have to clean my every few days with nail varnish remover and salt makes it like from the shop new except the chillum and pipe.
ive just got a bud shot from each mine while under the 600hps as i dont need to water today so was just in and out. broke the top of the soil ready for tomorrows start to a 15 day flush then left in daft for a few days to dry out before harvest


Well-Known Member
i'd say they are ready to be slowly starved, i wouldn't say flush as it may cause ww3 but they definately don't need any more nitrogen imo. do you have any cannazym?


Well-Known Member
I only have ionic bloom boost sum cal mag stuff and ginormous I tho to just water for last couple weeks to leach the nutrients out