Well-Known Member
I'm told by some people here in the states you guys in europe are all socialists. It takes twenty years of working for one company here to get four weeks of vacation time. I work for one of those people who say you are all socialists, I get zero time off a year and haven't had a raise in over two years. Now that's a capitalist. Last year we worked one of our national holidays, I bitched up a storm, pissed the supervisor off real good. So I asked him, you working christmas? Fourth of July? When does it stop? He got the point, we don't work any more national holidays. It's all about the money here, there is no loyalty for most workers, not in florida, bosses offer their workers the least amount possible. We have very few unions here. Florida is called a right to work state. That in essence means the boss has the right to fire you at any time for any reason and you have zero recourse, hit the highway.
We have a real funny way of looking at things in the US.
I here you there heads up. I used to live on the ms gulf coast and had to compete with illegal immigrents mexicans to make a living. Man its tough and i dont have anything against people looking to improve there quality of life. I can tell you must be in some sort of maybe painting or drywalling trade? Anyways i know what you mean about how the lack of a union in the south really sucks. They really dont care about good quality craftsmanship as long as it sells. Well im way up north now and it aint much better. been laid off for a long time its getting old. Just keep a foot in the bosses ass he knows your right.

And thanks to all for the warm welcome. I got my pics taken now i just gotta find the damned old usb cord. Cant wait till yawll can see my ladies. Cuz i got some questions but ill wait till my pics are up