Club 600

quick few pics mine and there leaves as i see sum sort of problem coming and its not what i want but not sure if its bad or what so i need the help of you experts in here

1st 2 afghan kush
2nd 2 blue rhino
3rd 2 caramel ice
4th 2 critical 47
next 2 pics of them back in the tent

and last few of the leaves iv noticed the changes on


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i hope so cof, u not think in pic 1 and 2 of the leaves they look to be going a bit yellowish and the brown spots on them, now looking at other 3 photos of the leaves they do look a bit like water splashes i will find out today when i go for a look again
I am trying to understand this......but I just cant get it.

Footy, its like rugby but for australians or something.

Nice rig bro!

Speaking of sports, my saints play prime time tonight in the dome agains "americas team" the cowboys,,,,, lets make some cowgirls outta those boys! Wait, that sounds a little fanny boyish lol

Gonna start drinking early today, should be nice and primed by prime time. :eyesmoke:
Ahhhh early drinking days were my favorite. Forth of July was the best.

Nice rig hydro.

And seedless, I didn't even see a video of what you posted, but reading about it and then hearing a description from a friend really soured my day. hahaha. I guess you warned me though.

Your team is looking pretty good don.
I got everything ordered for my new grow shed. It will be here tomorrow afternoon. I ended up getting supplies for a 10x8 shed. 4x8 flower room and 6x8 veg/mini man cave. My goal is to have it finished by Thanksgiving. This way I'm home the first 4-5 days I move the babies out there just in case. After all, I am a big burnout and have been known to mess a thing up our two. I have 10 dogs, 4 smelly cherry, 3 black ss, 4 silverberry, and 3 of my jack and they are all in their 2nd week of flower. I'd hate to kill them by moving them out and my shiet mess up. I have no more s33ds or mothers.
I can't take it, it's all just happening so fast. (Worrisome tone) :eyesmoke:
sounds fantastic jimmer!

thanks for the translation, D. It's like we got our own "600 translate"
I just met a wonderful person on eharmony. Here is her Bio [video=youtube;mTTwcCVajAc][/video]
She zzzzooo much wuvs da wittle fuwwy munchkin baby katz zzzzooo muchez...

(*They broke the second rule: Never get it wet)
Ahhhh early drinking days were my favorite. Forth of July was the best.
The last 4th of July that I drank (5 years ago) I spent the night in jail. Funny how days can mean such different things to different people!

4x8 flower room and 6x8 veg/mini man cave.
When I was building my new room in the garage a neighbor from a few doors down came by. My room is only like 7x7 for starters. We aren't close and he's not aware of my doings, so he asks hey what do you got going on there? My wife piped in with oh it's his man cave! He's all hmm, kind of small for a man cave. I wasn't paying attention (visibly) anyways so I didn't respond. After he left I was like sweety, that's about the lamest thing you could have said to him! You're either lying or I'm now the proud owner of the most pathetic man cave in history. I have room for a lazy boy and a tv as long as it's wall mounted and wheres my kegerator supposed to go!?

Its now referenced as merely a closet... That has electrical conduit running into it and happens to make noise :)
The wife joked that I should hang signs on the doors of my soon-to-be-built grow closets in the garage to help keep visitors from knowing my green little secret that read:
"Definitely NOT a cannabis grow room"
... and...
"Ignore the whooshing air and dank aromas: nothing to see here, move along".
My brain is not working like it use to, but surely that cat women video is an act.....please tell me people are not really like that. HELP!!! PLEASE ALIENS!!!!! PLEASE WE NEED HELP!!!!!!!!