Club 600


Well-Known Member
I call my best mate ScissorHands, or just Scissors...but he is a hairdresser (sorry mate, Hair Stylist, hahaha)

mr west

Well-Known Member
Got my dogs 2 of em off the lead with 2 dpp x livers and 2 x dpp x jack the ripppers, let the gaames begine

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
I thought this was appropiate

Let the fun begin!!!


cof, that is an absolute gem of a choice of songs for our grow.

And DST, it may not be a competition as far as you are concerned, I respectfully disagree. Do you have any idea of how many visions of sugar plums we have dancing through our heads right about now? As cof said, well almost said, the DOGS are out. I do however agree with you in several aspects, it is not a competition of most of the things you mentioned, huge harvests of great bud would be nice, but like you, I am more interested to see what we do with the DOGS as a group.

You can: Bend, Snap, Trim, Sit on, Drool over, Play with, Tweak, Squeeze, Twist, Tie down, Spray, Foliar feed, Root get the what you want. In fact the more people doing different things the better.

I believe you've covered the spectrum with that information...and I can't wait to see some of the twisted sisters we develop.

Thanks again DST for being you.

For the rest of us, pay it forward.


Well-Known Member
I think its going to be awesome to see the same set of genetics worked over by some brilliant lads. We no doubt will have a standout somwhere in the midst.

Mr West loving that old school hip hop vid. To bad that these days people dont dance like that anymore. Now they call it gangster walkin. You wouldnt believe the goofies around my parts jivin down the street talking shit to themselves hahaa. Its funny to me. We see alot of chicagos gang bang rejects around here and they all act hard. But if you meet a real OG from the chi they tell ya whos who. Most are banned from there own hoods and considered bitch N....... lol. Just a funny sight to see the jive turkeys oow woppin & beboppin thinking there raw lol. Ok end of rant.

I believe im going to start all 3 doggies and take cuttings from each but not mother them. After round one ill keep the clone from the best pheno and raise a clone mother and try and keep getting dif phenos. Sound good? haha. I love growing shit. Just love it. Thanks D for the comradery and a fun experimental hobby grow. Mucho reps my bru. Peace 1BMM


Well-Known Member
Hey headsup Hows your cloner coming along. Did ya just opt for the airstones?. As a interesting comment on bubblr cloning and aero cloning a real close bud of mine has a mistic cloner which is the ebay bought misting type cloner. He told me he was amazed at how much better my clones produced roots than his mistic machine. ??? I dont know Seems to me that that misting would work better. Maybe he just aint doing things right could be. Im still going to build one when i get bored this winter. Just for fun.


Well-Known Member
Looking good cof. Do you germ right in soil?. Just curious like you hehe. Im thinking im going to soak the lil doggies for the night.