Club 600


Well-Known Member
I'm finding stuff now. Thanks for the tip whodat. Looks like I might get to donate my next crop to try to save a friend. Wish I had a pound right now to work with.

EDIT: My mama taught me to never handle bread on a thrusday. That way I never had the chance of dropping it and being executed.


Well-Known Member
Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) is usually used in high doses for a short period. It is best if it is from a high CBD strain. Many dispensaries and groups have information on where to get RSO.


Well-Known Member
HAHAHA... I don't know man... one of those chemicals looked mighty questionable... we should just throw him out. ;)

And yeah, I'm meaning Cannabis oil... not Hemp seed oil. I obviously don't know what's what yet.

And on a completely unrealated note... there is a dude in Iran who got hanged for some crime. Sent him to the mourgue and dude came back to life. The peeps in charge of punishment say the man will not be executed a second time. Lucky guy lol.
For my cancer and tumor patients..along with the others. I make a tincter out of it.I purchase inexpensive vodka pour it into the shake,sugar leaves,pop corn bud ext.
Let it set and mix it,Strain material out of vodka..after that let set out for alcohol to evaporate.Set in fridge.
Positive results with cancer patients,tumor patients ,Blood problems. kidney and bladder problems,Positives for high blood pressure,positives for chemo patients (increased appetite and feel better from effects of chemo)One guy i know swears it saves his life from chemo.Im sure he is correct.
Lady we treat was supposed to be dead be last Christmas.She has cancer of the stomach. She is still alive and may see another Christmas with her family.
I like to leave a little alcohol in the tincter it seems to enter the blood system super fast that way.
It is however a negative for people with liver problems if you leave the alcohol in it.
If you use ever clear you can distil it down to hash oil..tastes like shit normally but will straight fuck you up.
Tincter is easy to make, cheap to make. fast to make.requires less time than other methods of extraction and less labor.
I hope this helps


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know anything about MJ and cancer? A friend of mines mother just got diagnosed with a stage 4 brain tumor and I wondered if any of you knew anything about hemp seed oil, or whatever that stuff is. I've seen articles and such, but that's not the same as real info and I'm having a hard time finding good info. Let me know if you know anything... even just a story you heard.

thanks. :)

Nice plants by the way guys. Can't wait till my closet looks like yours james. Full of green!
I am really sorry to hear this Jig, I lost my Mom to Brain and Lung Cancer almost 3 years ago. I really feel for your friend man, thats tough to watch your Mother go through something like that, I am still dealing with the haunting memories of it and it crushes me when I hear others having to deal with it.



Well-Known Member
Sucks too cuz my friend just had her first kid a month ago, a week later mom had a stroke, 2 weeks later they find the tumor. Thanks for the kind words fam.

And thanks for the info Max and Mo.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know anything about MJ and cancer? A friend of mines mother just got diagnosed with a stage 4 brain tumor and I wondered if any of you knew anything about hemp seed oil, or whatever that stuff is. I've seen articles and such, but that's not the same as real info and I'm having a hard time finding good info. Let me know if you know anything... even just a story you heard.

thanks. :)

Nice plants by the way guys. Can't wait till my closet looks like yours james. Full of green!

Sorry to hear that Jig. Stage 4 is no good at all. I have read A LOT about RSO oil for curing cancer. There are an incredible amount of stories about it putting cancer into remission and shrinking tumors. No personal experience with it though. Although I am pretty sure I could make it as I have made activated edible extractions before. The pills I make may even do quite a bit to help... At least make her feel better. The number one compliant people have had with RSO is that they just get to damn high and have trouble taking the full recommended dose.

Let me know if you need some help with the manufacture. Going back to hydro next time?


Well-Known Member
Sucks too cuz my friend just had her first kid a month ago, a week later mom had a stroke, 2 weeks later they find the tumor. Thanks for the kind words fam.

And thanks for the info Max and Mo.

Please do also Google up mushrooms and cancer.

There are many excellent therapeutic species.

I know that Paul Stamets believes that he used them to save his mom.

I am sorry for your friend.


P.S. Here it is:
Quite the lovely ending, you have to admit.


Well-Known Member
Sucks too cuz my friend just had her first kid a month ago, a week later mom had a stroke, 2 weeks later they find the tumor. Thanks for the kind words fam.

And thanks for the info Max and Mo.
Yeah bro, thats how it was for my mom, they thought she had a stroke and when they did the CAT SCAN they found the tumors, what was worse was that the Brain tumors were not the root source of the cancer. Thats when they found the root of it in her lungs, she was Stage 3 and passed about 7 weeks after they found it.

@JD, I was thinking the same thing...good call!!!



Well-Known Member

For those of you who enjoyed the Stamets talk, this is a longer
talk on what fungi can teach us.


Actually, this is the classic "How mushrooms can save the world":

Take care,


P.S. FWIW, I really enjoy your avatar made waiting while the
video dialog to pop up much more enjoyable. :0)


Well-Known Member
Some photos from Day #35:

The PurpleBerry is really developing nicely:
7 PNNX1.jpg
8 PNNX2.jpg

The Headband is very strong:
1 Headband.jpg

The LA Con is my other favorite:
5 LACon1.jpg

The Skywalker Kush OG is still lanky, but will get time to fill out:
2 SWOG.jpg

Kosher Kush is looking crazy, but the torture is done and is appears to be filling in:
3 KosherKush.jpg
I joked in my thread that my Kosher Kush reminds me of this character:

Take care,



Well-Known Member
He is a little squinty, isn't he?

...and he sounds like he had smoked many, many bowls. IIRC he
sounds like someone rubbing two balloons across each other.



Well-Known Member
Was a good day for a ride...

Tonight I rewire the ECU and install the new fuel injector controller.
Dinner time!!!

After some bong rips.


Well-Known Member
That's horrible mate. My step Dad died from a 4th degree. They gave him 6 months to live max, 95% will die within that period with a 4th degree. After that the %'s are just straight up nutz oh hazel nuts! He was a strong fukker though, ex pro footballer in the 60's, and after his operation he insisted on going back to work:shock: Then one day he phoned me to pick him up as his left side just froze, and that was it really, downhill all the way. He survived 18 months in total which defied many odds. But really with a malignant 4th degree no amount of Oil is going to help I am afraid to say. They can only operate generally once, and really after that its a lottery. When this happened to my step dad, the Mill he worked in sacked him for fraud (this is what made him collapse). They accused him of selling off paper "broke" as a differnet kind (you get dark and white broke which then makes different qualities of paper). By all accounts 15 tonne had gone missing. There was a group of people in the company who were actually stealing the stuff, but it was nothing to do with my step Dad. After he collapsed, went to hospital, the doctor had said to my Mum, I am surprised that he could even sign his name on a sales order let alone know the difference between what white and dark broke actually was. The company instantly reinstated him on full sick pay. A few weeks later they found the missing 15 tonne of white broke in the corner of one of the warehouses....what a bunch of CUNTS!!!! He'd worked there 36 years up to the day they sacked him.

Anyway, I really hope the lady is in as little pain as possible and even though oil may not save her, I am sure it would make her time a lot better. Even back in the early 90's when that happened to my step Dad, his older brother was in the same cancer ward at the end, riddled with cancer, he used to toke up daily as he didn't want to take morphine and not be compus mentus for his family.

Does anyone know anything about MJ and cancer? A friend of mines mother just got diagnosed with a stage 4 brain tumor and I wondered if any of you knew anything about hemp seed oil, or whatever that stuff is. I've seen articles and such, but that's not the same as real info and I'm having a hard time finding good info. Let me know if you know anything... even just a story you heard.

thanks. :)

Nice plants by the way guys. Can't wait till my closet looks like yours james. Full of green!
Yeah bro, thats how it was for my mom, they thought she had a stroke and when they did the CAT SCAN they found the tumors, what was worse was that the Brain tumors were not the root source of the cancer. Thats when they found the root of it in her lungs, she was Stage 3 and passed about 7 weeks after they found it.

@JD, I was thinking the same thing...good call!!!

And on a positive note, yesterday I only spent 5 hours in a tent chopping de ganj (instead of the previous 10). Thankfully my friend didn't call a sicky on the trim party this round:)




Well-Known Member
Okay, so I AM nicely stoned from some of gen's Black Dynamite genes, but this was pretty cool:
(I almost didn't bother clicking on it, but am glad I did)
