Club 600

I use 10-15 ml molasses to 1 gal h2o.

WTF dude dont go mixing metric with imperial?! Confusing people and shit. I started paying attention to metric after buying nutes... first time in my life it was!

To first approximation, 1 Liter == 1 Quart

Do you guys have a "Four Liter" ?



1 gallon =3.89 L

Hey, now!
Be careful about the things you mix.
Richard Pryor mixed US and Imperial with Metric, and the shit blew up in his face.
Just saying...
Speaking of gallons and liters and all. The americans on this board have absolutely no idea how ABSOLUTE SHIT the buckets in the UK and europe are. Not a decent 5 gallon bucket to be found. They all fucking suck. The whole of the continent doesn't have a good bucket. Rant over.
They're almost a dime a dozen here in the states.
Can't swing a dead 5-gallon bucket without hitting a cat over here.
Buying smaller than a 5-gallon bucket is more expensive than buying a 5-gallon bucket.
We have so many 5-gallon buckets we even name lists after them.
We have so many that we name HATS after them!


East Coast:

New Orleans:


Los Angeles:

They're like duct tape over here...
Great stuff Doobie.

=b0991248-1832-4628-ad92-3cc9ec8b974a_300.jpg= $2.78

12" saucer (smaller than the floor of the bucket!)
94bd4636-5cf7-4bb8-9566-7f6aa1d8c793_300.jpg== $2.98

It is just how it goes.






Well, we may have lost out on everything else, but we still have TBS: Total Bucket Supremacy!!!

(*as long as China keeps pumping them out and shipping them to us by the container ship)
my bucket stress levels have just hit the roof....ffs, buckets for under tree dolla! wtf. the only bucket I got respect for it the one this little chap sits on....
Oor Wullie fae the Broon:)
- most strips since early 1937 begin and end with a single panel of Wullie sitting on his bucket.

Well, well...learn something new every day.

Wullie is a rich man, your are saying?


Well I ordered another bulb today, so when it gets here I'm ready to flower my other side. I really should order better bulbs, but I like the price for the return.

On a different note all my studying is paying off a little. I actually got my first ever 100 on a college test, and it was in my Algebra class that stresses me out the most.
Holy Molly we got sun this morning.....:shock: think I'll go out and stand in it for a minute with my shades on, just to remind myself what it's like. I was beginning to think I wouldn't finish off any of my outdoor. chopped most of the blue pit as well although not finished it was just too sticky and getting mold like the dog. The Ed-dog is still out there doing it's thing's been quite happy in the pissing rain.