Well, off to the UPS Store to pick up my rain suit (motorcycle).
Now that I have one, it won't rain hard enough for the rest of the winter to justify wearing (I hope).
Will have some shexy pics of me modeling the new gear posted later.
<<<<that's it..Here's a question for you...
What is the deal with branches the come in sets of two, alternating in
the direction that they stick out from the branch from which they originate
versus the branches that spring one at a time, alternating side to side?
Does a plant typically switch from one sort of growth from the bottom to
the top? Vica versa?
I read that clones which grow side-to-side will start to alternate if allowed
to mature.
I just need to settle when and what controls this aspect of a grow.
Thank you for the time.
P.S. Is it *just* that as the plant matures the opposite branches start
to alternate? So, clones will act "old". How to help a clone alternate?
Coolio. Thank you.
I have yet to see the magical switch back to Veg, but had to take a flowering
clone of OG Kush (and will have to with OG 18 and maybe Headband) so I hope
to see this happen.
Should I use more/longer light? (I am at 20/4 in my Veg area)
I appreciate the time.
Right. Is there a system wide "signal" or can clones be taken
from older, lower down, growth that was opposite, and then
grow opposite. I expect the latter.
I am poking about this because when trying to set up a proper
manifold, when mainlining a plant, one really want opposite branches.
We are finding that when the branches have started to alternate, where one
is taking two successive branches as the next level of the mainlining manifold,
that one of the two branches will be stronger than the other, and the manifold
is not proper.
S'more muddelation for ya!