Club 600


Well-Known Member
Morning 6ers.

Dez, good to see you around bru. Hope all is well.

Bacon in the mail, too funny. Since moving to NL I have found my bacon taste lies more towards the thinner rasher. I prefer the thinner rasher due to it's ability to go slightly crispy, as appossed to slightly chewy which some thick cut rashers can do. I prefer back to streaky strips though, perhaps my distaste of fat bacon comes from the shit that is on the market that when you fry it your pan looks like some champion bull has shot his load in the pan:shock:....bacon ramblings over.




Well-Known Member

... bacon lard rolled in batter and deep fried in bacon grease...

... served on a plate made from a jumbo-sized slice of honey-roasted ham...

... eaten with forks & knives carved from hog tusks...

... at the Policeman's Ball banquet...



Well-Known Member
Thank you guys. Things are going very well with the grow and the fam these days. Everything has just kind of fallen into place lately so I must be doing something right, lol.

Thanks for asking.


Well-Known Member
I like translating your posts D :-) Im oh so easily amused.

"at the police mans ball banquet" haha icing baby.

Great to hear things are going good Dez! Im sure youv worked plenty hard to get there.


Well-Known Member
Going on a road trip with the wife & her parents today.
But I get to go to the dispensary to buy some brownies to make the trip manageable.
Hope everyone has a great Saturday out there!


Well-Known Member
Still contemplating chopping, and other than that all is boring over here.
So far the cage, dog , and the chopped trees against the fences have been enough to keep the rippers away.


Well-Known Member
Stay vigilant.

Good luck,

I saw "Stay vigilante" and thought it was like "stay up homie" but like encouraging your vigilante buddy to keep up the badness.

Word.... stay vigilante JD. :)

and I'm not even high yet (bout to smoke right now)


Well-Known Member
To me there are no difference between Rippers, Caterpillars or Mites! FUCK THEM ALL!

Peace and have a nice weekend 600



Well-Known Member
Hey guys ive been smoking some homemade bubblehash lately and just wanted to let yall know what i think about it.

Pure Kush
Looks great.
Smells so bad. earth/dirt/mold.
Smoke feels thick in the mouth. Still taste is overwhelming in a bad way.
Hitting the bong. Its a little harsh going down, but not bad. Then on the exhale you start to feel pressure in the lungs. You know you are going to cough, oh shit. Coughing crazy the next minute. Then feeling stoned. Totally stoned.
Rough way to the high, but when its there. Wooh, cant do nothing but like on riu, until the curtains drop :) Even sleeping when you dont wanna, so very much a night smoke. Perfect for pain. Seem to forget it.

Lemon Skunk
Looks great.
Smells so GOOD! Yeah lemons! Smelling it made me wanna lick it. Really cant describe it.
Smoke is thin and easy on the lungs. Tasty smoke both in and out, lasting even as put the bong away and let the high creep on you.
The high starts out pretty upbeat/energetic with a overwhelming euphoria. Could stay this way and listen to music and just enjoy the shit out of life :) But take it a step further with bong hit on bong hit. It gets a bit nausea like, crazy butterflies in the stomach. Still felling great euphoric. Munchies.. Oh the munchies. Crazy i wanna eat all the time! And everything :)
This is the no.1 smoke. Day smoking. Great laughs and wanting to do things at the same time. Also seems like i can really gain some weight if i keep smoking this.

Oh whodat i picked the green zong so you'll be getting the yellow. Awesome eh? Cant wait. Seems like a lot are smoking on pipes similiar, ive never tried one. Thanks again DST. Awesome contest :) When will i be able to post a milk :)?
Oh oh a miracle has happened :D from crushed seed is growing a fem dog! Oh yes i threw them under a wet pappertowel even though they missed some shell and looked fucked. 1 survived! :D That is going to be a strong bitch!
Fun growing ahead! 1 big dog monster.
Gonna smoke some pure kush now, and get my sleep on.
Længe leve klub 600 !


Well-Known Member
Crazy that a broken seed still popped!
I agree that the extra tough seed will follow on to veg and flowering hopefully.

Was the Pure Kush moldy weed, or just a trait it has with the foul state and chokey smoke?


Well-Known Member
I have a big problem with humidity control.

Looking for advice to keep my drying area at a stable humidity level.

Right now humidity is at 15-22% during the day.
I want to keep it 45-55% since that is where buds dry best I have read.
I have great success drying without help during certain seasons, but summer and windy season it dries in 2-5 days and smells and tastes bad as a result.

I have at my disposal air conditioner to lower temp and humidity.
Dehumidifier to lower humidity and raise temp slightly as a side effect.

What I need is a was to use a cool mist humidifier, but have it stop at 50% or thereabouts and turn back on at 40% roughly.

Daytime I can check on it and turn off/on as needed, but night I need something automated if possible.

This batch HAS to come out good!!!

This should work fine, but I dont have the money for that.
Is there anything cheaper?