Club 600

Hey 600 Club, hope you are all grand, been a busy weekend with visitors and general over consumption of most things that we like to over consume!

Keep it 6exy!

Peace, DST
was disappointed in how the Lambsbread was turning out so I popped 50 seeds and took cuttings. Set up this 3x3 flood tray that has 48 sites and put the Lambsbread around the outside ;)


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O.K. 6er's time for me to show my inexperience with indoors. I've put my babies on 12/12 for about 4 days now to force it to show sex to get the males out. I'm about 90% sure what I'm looking for but want to make sure. I'm sorry these pics are a little blurry because I was trying to get real close and have a semi basic cam. I'm thinking this is what I want. 001.jpg002.jpg
yup, looks like a weed plant to me Jimmer, lol

...ehm, bit fuzzy for me to be honest, I already had my first joint and I think my eye sight is going tits up!
my non facetious answer, at a guess I would say a fem, males tends to start as little balls on sticks......
you may be seeing the stipules? Calyx and pistils are pretty unmistakable.

Alrighty I gotta get outta here. Later 6as


Thanks guys. Whodat you're right at what I was seeing. Your diagram is better than what I could find.

DST, The stick and ball theory is how I used to thin out all my outside girls before I got my 600 and could veg inside for awhile. It would make life easier when I couldn't check them regularly when theory would first start to flower. Didn't care if they were or not just precaution. Obviously with these strains I want as close to perfection as I can achieve.

So it looks like another couple days to know for sure. I have a nute. that is suppose to induce flowering quicker that I use when I put mine to flower maybe if I hit it with a half a dose it will show quicker. I didn't want to do this but also don't want my girls to get all stretchy trying to sex them.
I officially am a dumbass. While feeding my girls outside I realized I had a whole yard full perfect diagrams that whodat posted without the male parts to refer to.DUHHHHH
What up 6érs! Hope u had a great birthday D.
Ive been pretty busy and still is/am :P But i found a quick hole to post a visitor i had :) Plus some random..
Hope all is great. Like this worm, must be high out of its mind :D
Edit:lol, worm was found at harvest of an outside autoflower. I had been trimming for like 15min before i spotted it, and damn i was face deep in it almost with my nose on it. Shocked me real good.
The Lambsbread plants are all far from my light so I wondering if I should hang something else in there or not. I have another 600 but that will not help power consumption at all. I have two 4', 2 bulb, T8 fixtures and a 4', 6 bulb one that I can use but that's it since I don't want another 600 in there right now. It's staying nice and cool in there now that only one 600 is running and it's making the AC run less often ;)

You can kind of see in the pics I posted how bad they look and they will be 5 weeks of 12/12 tomorrow. Just trying to decide if there will be enough improvement on the trim I'll get from them to justify adding another couple hundred watts of light. The 6 bulb one puts out sround 15,000 Lumens (approx. 2500/bulb) and I could hang it where the majority of the plants are.

any input?
Well shit flower rooms shut down the worse possible thing that could happen right now and no idea when it can fire back up just a sick feeling
It all started 20 years ago when my mom thought she could beat the whole permit issue and decided to build 2 additions to our house. Well caught up with her and planning department is coming for inspections...I have multiple lines running to 2 sheds and u can tell there conduit coming from the house and into the ground . So ime going to cut the counduit at ground level and bury the top and pull the wires for he wnt c them and move on when all said and done will redo it with a permit but dnt want to add fuel to the fire and him c it and tell me to pull it and have fines.
The Lambsbread plants are all far from my light so I wondering if I should hang something else in there or not. I have another 600 but that will not help power consumption at all. I have two 4', 2 bulb, T8 fixtures and a 4', 6 bulb one that I can use but that's it since I don't want another 600 in there right now. It's staying nice and cool in there now that only one 600 is running and it's making the AC run less often ;)

You can kind of see in the pics I posted how bad they look and they will be 5 weeks of 12/12 tomorrow. Just trying to decide if there will be enough improvement on the trim I'll get from them to justify adding another couple hundred watts of light. The 6 bulb one puts out sround 15,000 Lumens (approx. 2500/bulb) and I could hang it where the majority of the plants are.

any input?

Id slap that HOcfl up there :-) Id think the extra hash will be nice.

Well shit flower rooms shut down the worse possible thing that could happen right now and no idea when it can fire back up just a sick feeling

Sounds awful :-( Sorry bro.

The smoke jizzle is looking fizzle!

^^^ looks like a party in there eh? bongsmilie

See yall tomorrow.