Club 600

A few pics from our early evening walk around the Amsterdam Island area (Eilanden gebeid). It's all reclaimed land this place, and most building have water around them, not like that is much different from the crest of the city. And you can see why all the great Dutch painters spent loads of time painting Sky landscapes...what with the place being so flat it takes up a lot of the scenery!


Scotland representin!

Peace, DST
chemtrails galore...
I just walked my dogs through the bayou at 4:00.. a.m. then they took a wrong turn and ending up on the other side of the bayou.. heard a bunch of splashing n sswiming as I saw my other dog confused.. went down through the tall ass grass calling them over to let them know where to come.. its all foggy and weird. so surreal.
stay off the lean!!


How you doing man
Morning fellas. I just got the news that my Stepdad. The father to my sister. Has got cancer :( He will start chemo today.
I was wondering what would be a good strain combatting cancer? Or maybe to help sideeffects from chemo?
Rare Dankness s33ds seem to have many good "medical" strains.
Rare Dankness El Jefe is a full on Hash and Kush taste and scent, with a note of spicy lemon/pine. Has a potent high that packs a mental punch as well as a full body high. She has a medium yield. A little stretchy, but resinous plant. Has a denser bud structure.
Medical Uses: Pain relief, insomnia, chemotherapy, Gastrointestinal Issues, AIDS, Glaucoma, Cancer.

Sannies' Extrema works very well on chemo nausea.

About to get some sleep for a few hours, so I filched a small bud to get a pic up of the color coming in on the M1:


Back in a few hours (unless I can't sleep).

*edit: going to quick dry the wee nug and see how she do
To revisit the subject of gingers...
And she's a lefty.

sweet :-)
Buy some iso and make some simpsons oil. I am sure orally consumed cannabis is different from smoking due to the fact it goes through your liver before going into your blood stream....
Good advice. I heard juicing fresh buds is extremely good for your body too with no psychoactive effects, of course that wont combat the nausea...
Just thought Id mention it.

Yeah, almost getting overwhelmed when I think of all that needs to be done before we move.
But just need to do a bit of cleaning & packing every day and it'll be all right.
Taking two weeks away from it to go to Alaska in two weeks, but will be nice to visit with my dad for a while.

I sometimes have the same feelings towards foods.
I'm not paranoid (much) about questionable food sources, what with unknown pesticides being used, anti-biototics, GMO foods, e-coli (in veggies, FFS), salmonella, etc., etc., but I don't eat as much as I should because of it.
Similar reason for not eating much food at restaurants. If I can't see the food being prepared, I have a hard time trusting it.
Have had too many bouts of explosive diarrhea after eating a seemingly nice meal out at a restaurant.
I worked in the restaurant biz for 10 years, and have seen too many things to allow me to trust people to follow proper food handling & storage protocols.
Our yard will be large enough to start a nice garden, so will have fresh, organically grown, pesticide-free veggies next year (unless we have horrible weather), and will be adding a greenhouse to the grow for the more sensitive & vulnerable veggies to better control their environment.
As for meat, since I have no means to keep livestock, I'm willing to spend a little more for the naturally ranched meats.

I guess too many decades in Alaska eating fresh caught fish & crab & eating wild game meats have me not trusting commercial meat sources.
I even turn down canned smoked salmon (my favorite meat in the world) if I wasn't there to see how they canned it.

Sounds good doobs! You could probably keep a few chickens in that yard eh? Rabbits are small and grow rabidly and are a great lean clean meat.

Some peeps think they got it bad, lol (the Northern Europeans crying about horse meat in their Lasagne).....poor old Water Buffalo and Donkeys, lol....(whodat will be appauled!)

More than 80 meat products sold by major South African retailers contain water buffalo and donkey, the City Press has reported.

Im not appalled at eating any animals for meat... Im appalled at the way they are raised and slaughtered, and thought of. Seen as a commodity not the living being it is, and an unhappy stressed animal wont give you the best product either.
Donkeys have gotten it pretty bad throughout history though, mine are happy :-)
^and no, im not going to eat them :shock: appalling!
4 years ago i cured my insomnia by smoking...
4 days with no herb, and the insomnia is back in full effect.
Evidence it works, simple and plain.

That is impressive. Look into nanobots :shock:

A few pics from our early evening walk around the Amsterdam Island area (Eilanden gebeid). It's all reclaimed land this place, and most building have water around them, not like that is much different from the crest of the city. And you can see why all the great Dutch painters spent loads of time painting Sky landscapes...what with the place being so flat it takes up a lot of the scenery!


Scotland representin!

Peace, DST

Nice chemtrails D...

And all you chemtrail naysayers,,, exactly how do you explain that ^^???? I'll be waiting.
Since moving to the stix I rarely see them.... I see good ol' fashioned CONtrails.

I was thinking of starting on weight gainer again. But my problem runs somewhat deeper. I dont like food :( I dont want to make it and i dont want to eat it. Gotta start finding some joy in foods.

I know how you feel. I really hate food. Such an inconvenience. I would love if I could drink everything all the time. Really really dislike eating most of the time.

And I've dealt with insomnia once, was during a rough patch in my life. Aside from that the only time I get it is when I'm not smoking. My body is quite dependent on weed to sleep, so when I don't smoke there is not much sleeping going on for a few days.
I don't understand how they could be releasing tiny bits of chemicals that high and think it will do anything. I like a good conspiracy theory, but personally I think you chem trail people are certifiable. :) Commence calling me ignorant. I'm getting used to it.
nice post,nice pics,nice convo.......comeing up on 9 weeks


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I don't understand how they could be releasing tiny bits of chemicals that high and think it will do anything. I like a good conspiracy theory, but personally I think you chem trail people are certifiable. :) Commence calling me ignorant. I'm getting used to it.

Jig, Jig, Jig: you ignorant slut.
Hopping around from bed to bed, engaging in depraved sexual acts at the drop of a hat in a desperate attempt to cloud your mind from the truth.
A truth so high-anus, that if it were to become public knowledge, the general population would become washed away in luke warm waves of apathy as they spiral The Great White Porcelain Bowl of Life while clinging desperately to the Cold and Smelly Turd of Denial as they text "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" in three-part harmony.

They are releasing the deadly universal solvent, dihydrogen monoxide into the atmosphere.
If you breathe in enough of it at one time you will die.
I obviously need to get this issue, lol.....I think Ambs said she couldn't find it. Let me know where it is la?
oh, and how rude, morning peeps. Hope you had (are having) a nice weekend. (EDIT Good evening to Hornedfrog:))

It's in the section that talks about all the super potent weed. :shock: Check the Cannabis Cup coverage of high THC strains. . . tis there :D
@don that would be RP og ,that got hit by a force og male,the whole plant open pollination style,got lil pips all over.
4 years ago i cured my insomnia by smoking...
4 days with no herb, and the insomnia is back in full effect.
im in the same boat lol,but I haven't smoked any weed for at least 3 months coz the prices are a big ripoff at the moment hence why im now growing again, i have an oz coming from Europe as my bitcoin increased in value and I cashed in on the right time(I only paid £10 for it and forgot about it and nearly shit myself when I looked and it was worth £172 per bitcoin lol, I hoped it would be here today but looks like i'll be waiting on the doorstep for the postman tomorrow morning :)
I don't understand how they could be releasing tiny bits of chemicals that high and think it will do anything. I like a good conspiracy theory, but personally I think you chem trail people are certifiable. :) Commence calling me ignorant. I'm getting used to it.

Jus because you dont understand doesn't make it untrue.

Look at all the info and decide for yourself. I for one vividly remember staring at CONtrails as a kid, watching them,,, I NEVER saw these trails they have today.