Club 600

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Humans are omnivores. We are predators. It's nature. I don't want to eat a bear so I'm not going to kill one just for the hell of it. I don't live by and religious law or anything. I just think things have a right to live, but nature is unfair. Go on youtube and watch a few vids of some animals killing other animals. It's life. It happens all day every day all around the world. There are actual real places in this world that people eat bugs because they have to, or would probably kill you if you let their rabbit they caught to feed their family go because you worried about its feelings.
Still avoiding the question then! lol


Well-Known Member
So do we reckon that if I say wanted to put on the market a product I should go see what the Dept of agriculture have to say about it's labelling and shit?
Each state has a different set of rules also. Might be a Freakin Nightmare!!!(ie: you can buy Gravity in Oregon but not in Calif?)


Well-Known Member
I don't hunt and I never have, I did slaughter my fair share of birds and squirrels as a kid. I usually catch and release if I do fish. I will eat fish if I can grill it within 20 minutes of catching.

I Kill Beer Cans!!! Fukin Dirty little cans they deserve to die.


Well-Known Member
stupid bill collector, hahaha so in colorado if you sned a written letter to your debt collector telling them to shut the fuck up and stop calling you....they have to i get an illegal debt collection call and told the lady if i ever heard her voice again id load my gun and blow my brains out for her to hear.....she said that wouldnt be necessary.....i get paid every 56 days bitches common now


Well-Known Member
stupid bill collector, hahaha so in colorado if you sned a written letter to your debt collector telling them to shut the fuck up and stop calling you....they have to i get an illegal debt collection call and told the lady if i ever heard her voice again id load my gun and blow my brains out for her to hear.....she said that wouldnt be necessary.....i get paid every 56 days bitches common now
I get calls sometimes for other people and I like to play along until they figure out I'm fuckin with em. Changing your accent randomly is very entertaining. I talked with some Guido Lawyer once from New Jersey and I started Mocking his Accent and I swear his ears must have been smoking he was so pissed. lol


Well-Known Member
I get calls sometimes for other people and I like to play along until they figure out I'm fuckin with em. Changing your accent randomly is very entertaining. I talked with some Guido Lawyer once from New Jersey and I started Mocking his Accent and I swear his ears must have been smoking he was so pissed. lol
Dude, some person calls my mom asking for money. She told me they ask for SS number, and credit cards n shit. Told her to tell them to fuck off. There are people out there scamming older folks. Bugs me a lot.


Well-Known Member
I don't feel anything towards any wild animal tbh. Of course I've had pets and had an emotional connection with them but if the world went into famine tomorrow I personally wouldn't think twice about taking fido out to the garage to be slaughtered and butchered for food.
Wow thats mind blowing. My dogs are my family. I will protect them as that, for any cost.


Well-Known Member
I don't feel anything towards any wild animal tbh. Of course I've had pets and had an emotional connection with them but if the world went into famine tomorrow I personally wouldn't think twice about taking fido out to the garage to be slaughtered and butchered for food.
Hahaha, the idea is to NOT have to do that lol. Im slowly getting my livestock system in the works,,,, I know Iv been talking about it forever but there are so many things on my plate atm :-( I promise you all will be seeing it happen.
Chickens for eggs and meat, rabbits for meat, goats for milk and meat, fish for meat, AND all of these animals will GREATLY contribute to the soil health aka veggie gardens I got going. I already got some fruit trees but plan on planting more this year,,, I could go on and on and on with my vision :-D I feel if Im here for a reason that THIS IS IT, I cant wait to see where Im at in 5 more years! I can truly say that I love doing this.

I don't hunt and I never have, I did slaughter my fair share of birds and squirrels as a kid. I usually catch and release if I do fish. I will eat fish if I can grill it within 20 minutes of catching.

I Kill Beer Cans!!! Fukin Dirty little cans they deserve to die.
Yes! Beer cans need crushing and this pesky stinky green stuff needs burning! lol


Well-Known Member
Wow thats mind blowing. My dogs are my family. I will protect them as that, for any cost.
If it came down to it I would eat my dog too. lol. I love the shit out of my dog too. Loved my last dog too. He's a great dude. Wish they lived like them giant tortoises that went on for 250 years haha.


Well-Known Member
If it came down to it I would eat my dog too. lol. I love the shit out of my dog too. Loved my last dog too. He's a great dude. Wish they lived like them giant tortoises that went on for 250 years haha.
I would eat my neighbors! 250 year old dog might evolve into a superior species and walk the human ! :P