Club 600

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
wilma: recirculating uses electronic pumps and timers.

auto pots: uses gravity and does not reciculate.

both are designed so that once a garden is set up you don't need to go every day and hand feed you only need to top up the res every so often in theory.

i beg of you please before you go and spend the money and the time setting it up try using coco and hand watering. both of these systems require you to use a medium so you will more than likely be buying coco anyway. if you aren't happy with the yield and quality then part with your money. i can't see how hard it is to water 4 plants in a tent, it is very difficult to fuck up when hand feeding plants in coco, there are a lot of things that can and DO go wrong with these automated watering systems however.

i'm very close friends with some people who grow on an industrial scale, they have tried every way under the sun and had mixed results. now they do 4 plants in 20l pots in pure coco under each light HAND WATERING, now we are talking near a thousand plants, if they can do it anybody can.

my final two cents is the less equipment in your grow room the less things can go wrong and the more space you have for the plants. sorry for banging on but i really do have your best interests at heart.
sorry to skip it back a few but budolski, GHB is talking sense man.


Well-Known Member
lol. if in doubt, park yer arse.....

I made a hook for a thai face mask I bought out there (which had been repositioned due to a new painting gifted to us.) I decided I wanted to put the mask on the side of a cupboard, but without destroying it with nails and shit (it is a kitchen cupboard).

So I used Sugru to make a hook, and I repaired my Bose headphone cord aswell, I got that tangled and practically snipped it off when trimming, lol.


Well-Known Member
I didn't mean to sound like I worked for a Shopping Channel, ffs. what a cardboard cutout I can be, haha.


Well-Known Member
Gotta love elastic co-polymers!
One day we shall be a society without nails, screws, bolts, or the petty need for any fastener from ancient times!
FSMhu akbar!


Well-Known Member
i have cold hands i can hold on to it for you lol.

life will become a lot easier after smoking a bowl or two of that no doubt, take it easy brother.


Active Member
i always deny help from my local shops. but i have played the dumb card to see what they will direct me to, and to do. that is how i cam to the coclusion i'm good on my own. i order most my supplies out of paranoia. Growers been getting busted being followed from grow store.
This was my BIGGEST fear. So NEVER go there. Now just need to figure out how to get beans. Tried Sensi but they emailed me saying legalities won't let them. Such a sad day for Spec :( :(....


Active Member
I look but I get scared to contact them. I hate freakn stupid confused laws. Legal here but not there, like wtf!!! Makes me a nervous wreck!! But then my garden brings such peace and serenity to my life, there's no way I can part with it now that I have experienced it. The joy of the first harvest... Man that was a good day!!!

So Don Gin.... If I say please will you fill me in? :)


Active Member
I was just thinking... I was wondering how good my beaniebabbies would do with a different care taker. Wonder if someone can make them be much better then I can or if if same results would come back... I come here and look at all you guys pics but can't really compare to mine cause they are all different.

Sorry, at work BORED out of my mind so smoked a bowl of delicious GDP and now the brain racing lmfao!

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
I look but I get scared to contact them. I hate freakn stupid confused laws. Legal here but not there, like wtf!!! Makes me a nervous wreck!! But then my garden brings such peace and serenity to my life, there's no way I can part with it now that I have experienced it. The joy of the first harvest... Man that was a good day!!!

So Don Gin.... If I say please will you fill me in? :)
check out my videos. I keep them on my BPN amy growes thead. That will tell you who I use for seeds-well my last videos.


Well-Known Member
Here's the cut top from the Extema, 15 hours after cutting & planting:

forgot to add that I soaked the cut end in rooting compound (VitaGrow) for about 90 seconds before planting.