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DAddario EXL110 8-Pack Nickel Wound Electric Guitar Strings, Regular Light, 10-46 with 3-Pick Sampl...Show More +

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Dont know if these are good strings, but I think Ill get this pack since I am not great anyway and this way Ill have lots of practice strings.

I prefer Ernie Ball or SIT but for a beginner I guess those will work. Only time I ever broke a string on stage was using those. Never Again!!!
DAddario EXL110 8-Pack Nickel Wound Electric Guitar Strings, Regular Light, 10-46 with 3-Pick Sampl...Show More +

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$19.98 Free Budget Shipping

Condition: Brand New
In Stock: Usually Ships in 1 to 2 business days



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Dont know if these are good strings, but I think Ill get this pack since I am not great anyway and this way Ill have lots of practice strings.

I've used them before bro. They work just fine. Unless your going to be shredding the shit out of your guitar lol
The funny thing is I started out with a 14 or 15" monitor then got a few 17" ones then a 19" and finally a 20".
After the 20" broke on me (Samsung is crap, not even 3 yrs old) I was using the 42" tv in my room as a monitor, so now my 27" seems like a small screen to me.
The funny thing is I started out with a 14 or 15" monitor then got a few 17" ones then a 19" and finally a 20".
After the 20" broke on me (Samsung is crap, not even 3 yrs old) I was using the 42" tv in my room as a monitor, so now my 27" seems like a small screen to me.

Well it is cuz it's 15" smaller lol ;)
Its a shame I had this guitar for ages and never learned to play.
I think I just cant play and have to accept that.
I would try to play and think my guitar SUX! Then friends would come over
and shred the shit outta it and make me look dumb.
I think I just quit trying around then.
The only way I know how to play. ;-)

Ill have to have u come through and show me how to play sometime lol.
All I can play is Ironman...

I actually left my old Realistic amp and some old school 12" speaker I used behind when I moved.

I can hook to my pc or to my Crest amp though, and I have several speakers to connect to so thats not a problem though.
The only way I know how to play. ;-)

Haha well from the sounds of it bassman isn't going to be shredding anything other then maybe some weed lol. :D

Even my girl asked,"are you sure they sent you the right size"?

I actually measured it too lol.

Haha, I've done the same thing bro. I use to use my 52" tv for a monitor and then I switched back and I was like wtf this bitch is tiny.

You just got spoiled with the big tv ;)
All 5 s33ds from dababydroman have popped and are resting comfortably in moist soil, and the tip of the tap root on the 4th Bleeseberry Kush is emerging and will be planted sometime late tonight.
So, that makes 5 BBK, and 5 MX1 (or NX1. I still have to find out which).
So we shall see how many gynos & andros I get in a couple of months.