Club 600


Well-Known Member
Every time I hear Cherry Pie I think of Eddie Murphy and his Chinese restaurant vs McDonalds skit.

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
also 3/4 blue pits just popped up. I sowed some seeds I got from my Girl scout cookie-let some bananas out:blsmoke: so I got a few seeds from all my last plants. So these seeds are G.S.C x Barney's L.S.D. My lsd was some fire! So I can't wait to see how these seeds go?


Well-Known Member
I have chopped 1 down will get pics up tonight and of other 3 see what u recon, I been thinking just chop the lot get the mh in as 8 of my 17 seeds have popped soil and about 2cm high save me taking my seeds to other location harder to get to as often


Well-Known Member
Morning 6r's. I come with an important message. I'm no bible thumper nor am I a person to sit and push God on others. I've been to federal prison for a while so trust me I'm not the remodel catholic. This morning I found out the Pope is resigning. Guys this is ALL WRITTEN!!! Don't be blind and ignore it! Hold on to God now more then ever! If you have children hold them tight and let them know their loved!

False prophets are said to come and destroy catholic religion! If you have even an ounce of faith DON'T LET IT GO!!! I don't care who thrashes this post just as long as I made myself be heard on my take of it all! Don't let ANYTHING BRAKE YOUR FAITH IN OUR LORD no matter what his name may be to you!!

6ers even if you think I'm soooo lame for this post I carry you all in my prayers!! Don't let these ppl take the only thing we have left!God Bless us all!
Quick! Everone grab your foil hats!!!!

Does anyone know our out on your own in public today/escaped???


Well-Known Member
well heres a few more pics iv chopped 1 down today they look ready enough for me dont you's agree
1st 4 pics are of buds of the plant i chopped today then it hanging, and the rest of the pics are the ones in waiting to be chopped


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i found £185 i'd stashed in a cocktail shaker on saturday night. god knows how long it'd been there. brucey bonus either way!

i used to deal a lot. i was moving out of a house and thought i should look at my hiding places just in case. i found over $2000 in 20s. i have no idea when i stashed it. an early christmas present. :)


Well-Known Member
hope everyone is great over the weekend. Had a good weekend, got fucked up Friday, and was trimming by Sunday. Need to chop up this Cherry pie. Did one plant.

Going to try to reveg two-So give it high nutes in N? I'll hope for the best, as I should of keep a clones of this. Not a big yielder strain, but I see why they call it cherry pie, fucken taste like some sweet cherry's, and very fruity smell. Not even a cure yet!
When I reveg I feed one dose of N. I also run my lights 24/7 for a few weeks till you see new growth. They don't need alot of light at first. I put mine off to the side of my grow room. Good Luck!

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
When I reveg I feed one dose of N. I also run my lights 24/7 for a few weeks till you see new growth. They don't need alot of light at first. I put mine off to the side of my grow room. Good Luck!
Okay going to take down my 400mh and put my t5 setup back up and run 24/7 with bpn nutes veg dose. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
get em doon!
well heres a few more pics iv chopped 1 down today they look ready enough for me dont you's agree
1st 4 pics are of buds of the plant i chopped today then it hanging, and the rest of the pics are the ones in waiting to be chopped


Well-Known Member
No problem man. Last time I revegged I almost doubled my original harvest. I whacked a third off the bottom of my plants concentrating on top colas. It's quite a job keeping all the new growth under control but, well worth it at the end. Good Luck and thanks for the rep.