those would be fan. they could be food. they are not trippy though. i dont know man rather safe than sorry
send me a close picture of the cap top and bottom and cut the cap inhalf and show me the gill plates ill give you your mushroom whodat only cause i like ya lol.What about these!? I'll get a better pic. off to turn my compost while its still light out.
oops... loading pic.
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Water temps is another thing i've been wondering about. it seems most people have trouble getting there water down to 70 degrees but my water is staying at a constant 55 degrees and that warm compared to what it was coming out of the hose at like 35 F. it feels nice and warm but i feel like 70 would be too warm.
The other weird thing i wanted to ask is that my Danner 700gph water pump was blastin that water out at first then i noticed once i added nutes and installed the plants that the pump was spitting the water out at like half speed AT MOST resulting in a slower stream DEF not 700gph. Not sure why this happened so suddenly when minutes before my pump had been bustin ass.
ANY advice with this system guys?
Ok the pics youve posted here of those musgrooms are not anything id go near. One way you should go about this is to find a your area specific filrd guide that CLEARLY ILLISTRATES the gill plates and the cap and stem color and growth structure. You have stumbled upon an awesome hobby and oh whodat you are too important to the community and your family NEVER 9 IDONT CARE WHO IT IS) take advice or"samples" from anyone without cross checking them yourself with a good up to date field guide.
What all do you put in the rez? Sounds like something is mucking things up, slowing down the pump and all. You might want to pull it out and try to clean it. Not sure the best way of cleaning a water pump, but I'm sure you could look something up on that.
I don't know if someone already posted this link but it's a good one. Not sure if it applies, but worth a look.
Alright guys I'm looking to get a new cloner or build one doesn't really matter either way. Any of you guys have any suggestions or what works for you.