Club 600


Well-Known Member
I didn't forget the comp, I'm just a little soon for frosty buds myself.

Hey you guys. Glad to see things as usual here. Missing this place lately. Had my orientation at school today. They gave me a student card and a bus pass so I guess it's official. lol. I scored in the laptop program too. Usually second year students get the new Macs and the first year get their hand me down, but...they didn't have enough used ones so this boy got a brand spanking new Mac Pro w/Retina display to use for my first year. My wife seems to think I could fall in shit right now and come out smelling good. Anyway, first real day is Monday and I'm stoked.

MJ related, not much new to report. Reveg's are getting big and bushy and I think I'll be putting them into flower in the next week or so. Seedlings are, well, seedlings. Whatta ya want, kiddy pron? ;)

Ok...Weekend is here, Fire up the bong and groove!



Well-Known Member
I should feel bad I guess, iv been posting daily kiddie pr0n updates for the past 11 soon to be 12 days ;-)
anything grown this past year is fine in my book for the contest.


Well-Known Member
I didn't forget the comp, I'm just a little soon for frosty buds myself.

Hey you guys. Glad to see things as usual here. Missing this place lately. Had my orientation at school today. They gave me a student card and a bus pass so I guess it's official. lol. I scored in the laptop program too. Usually second year students get the new Macs and the first year get their hand me down, but...they didn't have enough used ones so this boy got a brand spanking new Mac Pro w/Retina display to use for my first year. My wife seems to think I could fall in shit right now and come out smelling good. Anyway, first real day is Monday and I'm stoked.

MJ related, not much new to report. Reveg's are getting big and bushy and I think I'll be putting them into flower in the next week or so. Seedlings are, well, seedlings. Whatta ya want, kiddy pron? ;) (edit; not that there's anything wrong with that.)

Ok...Weekend is here, Fire up the bong and groove!


Well-Known Member
Kiddie pr0n ;-)

Day 12

They got their tea today :-) I diluted the leftover and applied it as a foliar feed.

Topped two of em'.

Blue Pits looking like real plants again!


Well-Known Member
Kiddie pr0n ;-)

Day 12

They got their tea today :-) I diluted the leftover and applied it as a foliar feed.

Topped two of em'.

Blue Pits looking like real plants again!
Hey you take cuttlings just like I do! Do you use any rooting hormones before placing into the soil?


Well-Known Member
Those are from seed :-) day 12, except for the blue pits...

Iv always used rapid rooters for clones.

edit: I do use rooting hormone,, I soak the RR in it along with a dip of the stem.


Well-Known Member
That's what I use. Rapid rooters and 2 clear shoe boxes with a heat mat under it. Mist them daily and have a 42watt cfl on top. Get roots in 5-7 days.

Oh an sorry I thought that those were clones. Forgive me I've been smoking on my super skunk lol.


Well-Known Member
That's what I use. Rapid rooters and 2 clear shoe boxes with a heat mat under it. Mist them daily and have a 42watt cfl on top. Get roots in 5-7 days.

Oh an sorry I thought that those were clones. Forgive me I've been smoking on my super skunk lol.
Its all good my stoner friend bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I Just took down some Critical holy shit been a long time since I have had this kinda weight off 1 plant in a 3 gal pot.
I'll end up with 4 plus OZ.

I got 2 vortexs gettin ready to come down. they will be about the same in yield but was in a 6 gallon pot

This critical smells like bubble Gum! And it fukin weighty!

[h=1]Advanced Seeds - Critical[/h] Critical Mass x Brazilian x South Indian is a big and branched plant with a large bud production.

It adapts to all types of substrates and forms of cultivation. A maximum of 10 days of growth is advised for indoors to avoid a too big final size. Fast and rich outdoors harvest, it produces abundant branches and infinity of buds.

The use of guides is essential in some cases so that the branches do not bend under its own weight at the end of flowering.


Well-Known Member
I Just took down some Critical holy shit been a long time since I have had this kinda weight off 1 plant in a 3 gal pot.
I'll end up with 4 plus OZ.

I got 2 vortexs gettin ready to come down. they will be about the same in yield but was in a 6 gallon pot

This critical smells like bubble Gum! And it fukin weighty!

Advanced Seeds - Critical

Critical Mass x Brazilian x South Indian is a big and branched plant with a large bud production.

It adapts to all types of substrates and forms of cultivation. A maximum of 10 days of growth is advised for indoors to avoid a too big final size. Fast and rich outdoors harvest, it produces abundant branches and infinity of buds.

The use of guides is essential in some cases so that the branches do not bend under its own weight at the end of flowering.

Congrats on the harvest!
Gotta love big buds! :-)



Well-Known Member
lol that thing is long gone by now bongsmilie I need to grow some more!
The safety pins is out cuz I had to put out dat hot fia bongsmilie naa lol IDK what happened to it.?


Well-Known Member
Oh I'm sure it's gone but doesn't mean you don't have others. Don't lie lol.

Oh and don't mind me I just notice shit like that. I guess it's me just thinking outside the box again haha.


Well-Known Member
Oh I'm sure it's gone but doesn't mean you don't have others. Don't lie lol.

Oh and don't mind me I just notice shit like that. I guess it's me just thinking outside the box again haha.
Its a good trait to have... Being observant and all.

Edit: and I wish I was lying. I havent smoked ANY bud in over a month now!!!! hash is a different story ;-)


Well-Known Member
I'm extremely observant. It has kept me safe for many years. I'm always watching my surroundings and see what others might not see. It's like a game


Well-Known Member
I'm extremely observant. It has kept me safe for many years. I'm always watching my surroundings and see what others might not see. It's like a game

Same here bro bongsmilie Im gonna go blaze and bump this shit while I observe my lil plants lol
