Club 600


Well-Known Member
Just stoned ramblings as I figure out what I'll need for my first time-lapse project...


Time-lapse Stuff

7 days of cannabis sprouts.

4m20s video @ 30fps

*1800 pics per minute @30fps
**7200 pics for 4-minutes of video @ 30fps
***Need to add in 6-seconds extra to make up for the four 1.5-sec transitions between camera shots, so will need 45 more pics per transition (180 pics total) to come out with 4-minutes of video.
10-secs for title,
4-mins for timelapse vid (4m6s needed to adjust for video transitions),
10-secs ending credits

total video length of 4m20s

1st shot: camera real close

2nd shot: camera looking down 3/4 view

3rd shot: camera side view

4th shot: camera from below with 3/4 view

5th shot: camera above 3/4 view down

4m = 240s
240s @ 30fps = 7200 pics

1 pic every 84s over 7 days.

I might not have that interval option, but it does have a setting for 90-second intervals which would then take 7-days and 12-hours of time-lapse photos to get the number needed for a 4-minute video.

*edit: And this will be 1280x720p HD.



Well-Known Member
So, i woke on the couch about an hour ago at my flat. Last i remember i picked up an Indian ( meal lol ) after a few too Cant shots i got ropes into. I only went for a couple pints to watch football!!! So looks like Im in the dog house ( litteraly ).Half curry on table and half a j on floor. Im blaming the 10 week cheese lol.NOT looking forward to the forthcoming phone calls from the boss. She should be up in couple hours:-o


Well-Known Member
Haha, cheers guys ill need the good luck jig.Wish it was that easy cof, Im in the " other " house Thats what tells me its not good lol, oh admonitions like an extra prezzie is on the list!


Well-Known Member
Dougie bro, i Cant get your avatar out my head, at first i thought it was Justin Lee Collins, but something else is saying its a funky music vid. ????


Well-Known Member
big lebowski,, only one of the best movies ever made!

The dude,,, what cool guy.

cindy, sounds like it looks like a war zone in there!


Well-Known Member
Now this phone is taking the piss, ill catch up after the flack hits on comp. Goodnight/morning ?? Still drunk i think,think, a fat j should settle me back down ;-)


Well-Known Member
i just wanted to let ya'll know.. i just ate some great bacon, my dog ate a steak in two gulps. and im smokeing cheese surprise.


Well-Known Member
Hit some really good oil last night.. WOW... It was like the first time I got high...that was fuk 20 years ago..LOL

Man this oil is like doing shots.