Club 600


Well-Known Member
So I know that this is already been covered a bunch of times but I am having a problem with some of my new plants that are in veg. I have 5 diffferent plants. 2 White Widow 1 Carmelice 1 The Church and 1 G13/Hawaiian Haze. I have them in a closet with a 200 watt CFL. They are as followed in the picture of all 5....Bottom Right and Left are the White Widow. The top Left is the Carmelice. The center is The Church. And finally the top right is G13/HH. On the G13 the leaves keep rolling around like a taco and I know this frome heat stress but damn what about the others.... I mean its only a 200 watt CFL and its like 10 inches away. Also take a look at the one WW that is all deformed....The leaves are all rounded off at the ends not pointy like the others....BAD GENES??

Got any ideas?? And no I am not cheating on the club.....only have one tent right now so I utilize the closet....hahahaha
Sounds like the genetics. Whats the temps? the big cfls still pump out some heat so you need to be careful with them close to the plants. although 10 inchese shouldn't be a problem at all. The plants don't looks like they have any deficiencies so it may just be the genetics. Give them time.


Well-Known Member
hotsause got it right. Broncos all the way!!! Nice mini ball there dst. you lucky dude... have a blast in SA. Nice pic 1bmm

also... some 400's only get 45,000 lumens. Less than half some 600's.


Well-Known Member
dst, have fun watchin the wc!! i'm with the rest of the state side guys, i cant wait for 9/9/10, saints vs broncos. i hate the off season!!

on another note, did quite a bit of work this weekend. cut up 1 skunk1 (disgustingly beautiful road kill smell) and 1 bigbud friday night. i also got 2 new reflectors (cooltubes) and a new fan to try to combat my temps. we got everything preppped saterday and did another whole room bleech cleaning (still have a few spider mites). switched the whole bloom box around yesterday morning and ran some new ductwork. after we finished up, i turned everything on and shut the box tight to check the temps. let it run for 4 hrs and had 115 degrees!!!! i shut down 1 lamp and opened the door a crack and got the temps down to 80 degrees, but i still would like to run both lamps. i'm going to try a bigger vortex fan for the light exhaust, and if that doesnt work, it's going to be an ac unit in the box. i also found a chitty screw up on my part. saturday i unplugged my ezclone to check for roots and when i put the top back on, i forgot to plug it back in!! lost about 20 clones!! i had a few that had some long roots hanging in the water and they were the only to survive. i am a stoner!!!!


Well-Known Member
When should i switch my ballast to Super Lumens??? Ive read once in the last few weeks of flowering
Whats super lumens mean? 95,000 lumens or more? I would just keep it on that setting if was me. Maybe the light wont last as long but oh well i would be happier with the fatter buds lol.


Well-Known Member
heyyyy 6 Hunners,,,,ok,,planted 9,,2 didn't germinate,,left with 7,,8 weeks vegged,,less than one week of 12/12 and I have 6 girls and one had to go,,,,,left with 3 Northern Lights,,and 3 Mystery plants that were dynamite smoke,,,,there getting quite tall,,,,,the Mylar is 5 feet high:mrgreen:


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Wow guys, just awesome stuff from everybody!!!!!!! You guys fekkin rock!!! Our 600 Thread has got Veg porn, Bud Porn, Calyx Porn, Leaf Porn, Sticky porn, just green porn all over the shop!!!

1BMM, how mad is that, I was thinking just before I scrowled down, "may be need to do a pic bump since the guys are really putting it down" and hey ho, there it was. Thanx man, they are a mission, hehe.



And just so I don't feel left out...heres some guerilla porn - still alive (the big 600 in the sky keeping em going)
