Club 600


Well-Known Member
Agree very much^^^ You can have all the concoctions in the world, if your missing anything as simple as fresh air, nothing will help. Just like us, they need a comfortable environment. Too hot and you get sluggish. No fresh air and you breath heavier. No water and you get weak and fatigued and start experiencing physical stuff like headaches. All of the above will slow things down for us and plants.


Active Member
Here's a peek in the tent as I get round 2 started now that the temps are finally showing signs of cooling off. In the back are my Royal Chemdawg and Cynex bagseed babies and the clones are 2 Orange Kush and 2 AK-47's. I also built my own cooling box for my cool tube with the old squirrel cage fan/motor from my neighbor's old travel trailer heater. It's a 12 volt motor so I stole my dad's old power supply for his cb to run it after almost electrocuting myself trying to just put a plug on it and plug it in to 110. Doh!bongsmilie I also found that coffee cans are perfect 6" and make good CHEEP adapters.:eyesmoke: Work's like a champ AND heats the back half of the house nicely.:)Everything is in a 50/50 mix of ocean forest and happy frog since the shop only had 1 small bag of each left. Now it's time to Rock N Roll!!!:peace:DSC00230.JPGDSC00231.JPGDSC00232.JPGDSC00234.JPGDSC00235.JPG


Well-Known Member
I'm having a blast with these this morning.



Well-Known Member
Oh happy day!!! Thursday is good to me this week. Not only do i have a buddy coming over to hang out.... but two of the gals have sprouted roots!!!! I will be growing at least 2 plants this grow, wooo hooo. of course another one died over night too lol.

Budolskie... big yeilds come from great growing environments. whodat is a testimony to the fact you don't need fancy nutrients to max things out. you need a lot of light, the right temperature, the right airflow, the right co2 levels, the right humidity, and some water.

I love how this is the last thing you mention. It's kind of like, oh yeah...some water too, LOL. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Damn Duchie. That shiz is funny as hell!

I gotta get focused now on something so I can get it done and move on with my day.

Laters 600


Well-Known Member
"And we have the same problem that you do with illiterate foreigners invading our southern borders to steal our jobs". HAHA! Believe it or not, the second part of that two person writing team is an ex US Marine.


Well-Known Member
too much pr0n on this page to handle, i feel bad wasting this post with nothing but words and squeezing all the lovely plants to the back.


everybody who posted pics well done, a pat on the back for you all, i love seeing everybody's different growing styles, THEY ALL WORK!.


Well-Known Member
Oh aye, what's all this then, words in the 600, we expect pr0n. I am at the bar drinking beer so you will have to wait on mine. Laters pronogators.


Well-Known Member
first pr0n i uploaded in over a year!!.

deep blues from breeders boutique(the strongest smelling weed i ever grew):

i have 4 in 11l pots, they vegged for too long, i hate it when you can't take the plants out of the grow room!

the DOG from breeders boutique:

doggies upskirt shot, 3 are in 11l pots and 8 are in 6.5l pots. i have said it all to often and i'll say it again, i hate vegging plants, unless you are looking for a one plant grow like flowamaster it's a waste of time in my eyes, the yields of top quality stuff are at the top of the plant.

they say some like it hot. we are on day 38 of 12/12 this is when i like to ramp up the ppm/ec. i'll back off in about ten days and begin leaching. there is still a lot of filling out though, they will change a lot over the next week.

group shot under hps light, 4 deep blue on the left, 11 DOG on the right:

i love the dog, in the future i'm going to grow 16 under each light, they rarely outgrow the footprint of the pot. ideal for sog, also they have strong stems so no need for string and bamboo!!.



Well-Known Member
if your wife was sunbathing topless in your garden then somebody was taking photographs from outside your property then published them for the world to see would you not take offence? that is what the big deal is about it's not like she was on a nudist beach or something.

I don't know about the POMs or the Frogs, but that would not be illegal in the USA.
I wouldn't have a problem. If you don't want your tits in the papers, do not display them where they can be photographed.
We have never seen the queen's tits, have we?

What does the royal family do besides get flowers from weird looking children and waste money they robbed from the people?


Well-Known Member
they generate hundreds of millions of pounds in tourism alone. the laws in france are different to the laws in the u.s if you photograph somebody on private property without their permission it is punishable under the invasion of privacy law.


Well-Known Member
Loving this.
first pr0n i uploaded in over a year!!.

deep blues from breeders boutique(the strongest smelling weed i ever grew):

i have 4 in 11l pots, they vegged for too long, i hate it when you can't take the plants out of the grow room!

the DOG from breeders boutique:

doggies upskirt shot, 3 are in 11l pots and 8 are in 6.5l pots. i have said it all to often and i'll say it again, i hate vegging plants, unless you are looking for a one plant grow like flowamaster it's a waste of time in my eyes, the yields of top quality stuff are at the top of the plant.

they say some like it hot. we are on day 38 of 12/12 this is when i like to ramp up the ppm/ec. i'll back off in about ten days and begin leaching. there is still a lot of filling out though, they will change a lot over the next week.

group shot under hps light, 4 deep blue on the left, 11 DOG on the right:

i love the dog, in the future i'm going to grow 16 under each light, they rarely outgrow the footprint of the pot. ideal for sog, also they have strong stems so no need for string and bamboo!!.


Well-Known Member
Well, they're not as mature as some of the ladies here but they sure are sexy bitches.

Cuttings and The Topped
2012-09-20 18.49.53.jpg2012-09-20 18.50.08.jpg

Dog X Extrema
2012-09-20 18.55.25.jpg2012-09-20 18.54.55.jpg

Strawberry Sour Diesel (T Light)
2012-09-20 18.53.28.jpg2012-09-20 18.52.34.jpg2012-09-20 18.53.09.jpg

Double Koosh
2012-09-20 18.57.51.jpg

Casey Jones
2012-09-20 18.59.55.jpg2012-09-20 18.59.41.jpg

All confirmed female.


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm off to do something that makes me sick to my stomach these days. I'm going to BUY some weed. While I could make some sort of resin, it's just not gonna cut it. Some sort of Kush for $140 a half. :spew:


Well-Known Member
Bummer duch. I will be there in a couple weeks I think. Not looking forward to it. At least I'll be able to get some good stuff as I know a guy.


Well-Known Member
I kicked it with a buddy today for a while and it was a really nice time. I really appreciate the sharing of herb and the hospitality.

I sampled the herb I jarred today and it has a nice high. Hopefully a nice aroma and flavor sets in during cure though because neither of those were anything to write home about.